Raspberry Pi GPIO Tutorial

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Benchmark and tutorial on how to use the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi in 6 different ways:
- Raw C code writing to the registers - 17:20
- C library for the BCM2835 processor - 22:58
- Simple wiringPi C library - 26:19
- Python library (RPi.GPIO) - 30:30
- Bash terminal commands - 34:35
- GUI Python script - 36:13
The speed of each library is also compared to give an overall view (benchmark) of the different libraries.
- Raw C code writing to the registers - 17:20
- C library for the BCM2835 processor - 22:58
- Simple wiringPi C library - 26:19
- Python library (RPi.GPIO) - 30:30
- Bash terminal commands - 34:35
- GUI Python script - 36:13
The speed of each library is also compared to give an overall view (benchmark) of the different libraries.
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