7 reasons why you’ll stop believing in this Myth.

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In this video, I invite to witness what damage one good question to make to made up story. With these 7 objective questions, no faith can skirt the truth. I bet you never realized that it is unreal for God to just separate the sea, and for the crowd to just walk on a flat surface, while a seabed is like deep wide hole with mud and rocks.

I bet you never took a second to phantom how massive a crowd of 2 million people can be. Well now with this 10 mns video, allow yourself to be a little open-minded and see what one good question can do to a lie.
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Merely a fairytale book that is full of scientific blunders, moral deficiencies, and half-baked metaphors...


Latin word for Religion = Religio. Meaning, to bind together. Binding together those of the same mind, forms a religion where the Religion itself causes one to think & act as the religion wants one to think and act.
"Those who circumscribe your mind, determine the diameter of your thinking."


Anybody that thinks facts and logic will shake the faith of a ‘Good Christian’, doesn’t know that Christian very well.
They will come up with ANY reason, (the more ridiculous the better), to keep on believing.
See answers in Genesis for their rationalisations and see The Atheist Experience to hear them deny reality.


You know, if someone wrote a Book of Santa and convinced a number of people to become his followers and they in turn taught their children that Santa was real...you'd eventually have millions of adults believing in Santa...and nobody in any way, shape, or form, would ever be able to shake their faith.


Ah yes - facts and logic - the natural enemies of theism.


That was very well done. There were a few things I had never thought about or even heard about such as the depth, slope and conditions of a wet sea bed.


My greatest frustrations in life are manifest in trying to reason with people who:
1. incessantly lie and interrupt to talk over me, making excuses for refusing to entertain facts, realities, and ethical ideals they don’t have.
2. take pride in their malevolence, hate, bullying, and being as ethically and morally bankrupt as they can.
3. take pride and pleasure in inflicting pain, suffering, and hardships on others they disapprove of.
4. refuse to take responsibility for the negative consequences of their actions, always blaming others.
5. cannot distinguish between reality and imagination, confidently pretending to know and be intimate with an imagined reality they cannot possibly know or be intimate with.
6. rabidly vilify, hate, ostracize, harm, and shun others who are different only because they are different.
7. insist they are divinely entitled to forcibly micromanage the lives of others.


There are large cities today with a population of well under 2 million. If such a huge crowd really had been travelling across Egypt, there would have been a ton of archaeological remains from them.


I appreciate your work my friend but there are a couple of inaccuracies. The slaves did not leave Egypt without the king knowing. He gave them permission after the final plague. Also, the generally accepted body of water being the Red Sea is most likely wrong. The body of water they supposedly crossed was called in Hebrew Yam Suph, generally believed by scholars to not be the Red Sea but the Reed Sea, which were shallow marshes further north than the Red Sea. I also do not believe the Exodus occurred and do not think Moses existed either. There is also a glaring anachronism in the story: at the time the Exodus was supposedly happened Canaan was a vassal state of Egypt - meaning they fled Egypt to settle in a land controlled by Egypt.


I discovered your channel yesterday and watched half of total videos. Please upload more videos haha


God supposedly gives the Israelites their "promised land." Could have given them a better choice of real estate. Whole area is awash with petroleum under the ground, yet not Israel? (Neither is Egypt so Moses' mother could not have found pitch to coat the basket when setting baby Moses adrift - and in a crocodile-infested river.)


Well done 👏👏. Thank you & I’m with you on this!!


First comment from the most faithful follower of your channel Great video God bless this channel


The Greeks had a similar myth, except the escaped slaves journeyed to Libya, rather than Palestine. Probably, there was an event involving runaway slaves, which was altered & expanded, and which culminated in the Hebrew version. The account of the Israelite conquest of Jericho & Canaan is probably similar. Archeological evidence indicates that their occupation of that land was peaceful. However, Jericho was a VERY ancient city, even three millennia ago, and had no doubt been the site of many battles & conquests, by 1200 B.C.


1st time viewer now a sub and Im an atheist Im enjoying this video and will watch more very interesting break down of the bible so far thanks.


Israel and Jews say Exodus and Moses is myth.
Why should anyone disagree?
It's their culture and mythology.


Before watching this video, i was Christian. After watching this video, im still Christian


The bible was to intimidate us and doctrinate religion which brings division among us while God unite us😢


the Exodus was written 500- 800 years after the event. Moses writing it is another lie in a story that didn't happen.


One important item you missed out was who was the Pharaoh who was drowned in the Red sea parting? I have been told Ramses II. Wrong, Ramses II died a natural death and his tomb was found.So Ancient Egypt, one of the great ancient civilisations, with a written history of significant events never recorded the Exodus death of a Pharaoh when each Pharaoh was considered a God in their beliefs? Further, I heard an interview with the curator of the Museum of Cairo, the largest collection of Egyptian relics in the world. He stated the builders in Egypt were not slaves, but actually employed for building during the growing seasons, and as agricultural workers during the harvest. The slave myth is a biblical construct, aided and abetted by Hollywood.
