6 Money Habits You Must Avoid, Based On Your Personality Type | The Financial Diet

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I'm going to record that bit where Chelsea says "you do not need this shit" and use it as my phone text sound.


Habits :
1. Waiting too long for prepare
2. Obsession over cost per use
3. Saving what's leftover
4. Not checking for sale prices
5. Signing up for emails
6. Memorizing your credit card numbers


I just diagnosed myself with multiple money personality disorder.


"don't memorize your credit card number if you're prone to emotional spending."

damn it! too late...


Having watched a few of the videos on this channel, something about the way you spoke in this one held my attention better than most. Maybe it was the occasional off-color language, but it felt a little more adult and authentic than some of the others. Kudos on a great video.


Money advice is definitely not 1 size fits all! It's okay and beneficial to take information from different sources. As long as it helps get you more financially literate and financially free.


Can you do a video about intro to investing? Where is a good place to invest without high fees, and how much do I need to save in order to invest?


Great video. I love that first comment you made about buying lattes because I’m in a unique position where I have to buy lattes. I’m applying for jobs and I’m most productive while writing in cafes. So I’m not just buying a latte. I’m renting out work space for 3 to 4 hours. I could go to a library if I really wanted to save on coffee costs, but I want to mix it up with different locations.


My money personality: Penny pinching so tight that I don't do anything or enjoy anything for the entire month and then end up spending all my disposable money on groceries when I could have actually went out kayaking or enjoyed myself on the weekends instead of tightly holding onto my money and only buying groceries. Smh.


Fast food really adds up. Way cheaper to make a cold lunch, but fast food is addicting and convenient.


Deleting and unsubscribing from shops now. My shopping got totally out of control in August as a celebration for paying a $1500 credit card off. I’m back on track now. And yes I know my debit card number by heart .


i leave my card at home when i'm not planning on spending any money.


Damn your description of an avoidant personality type really hit me where it hurts. I'm doing my best to overcome these tendencies myself. Do you have any more tips for overcoming/ dealing with an avoidant personality? Or any book recommendations?


I'm avoidant, hesitant, and guilty. Avoidance definitely is the biggest problem for me though. The other two can prevent me from enjoying life to the fullest, but avoidance has gotten me in some big trouble and cost me a lot of money (which I am wracked with guilt about).


I mean I just bought your book but I have a bad spending habits of buying too many books. That I don't even read. Xx


Just made a transfer to savings because I fall into the "Save whatever is leftover" category. Your videos have seriously helped me become so much better with my money (though I still have a long way to go)


I love the TFD Book. I am so lucky to have been raised with a few good money habits. I think my problem is that I will more than likely buy the cheaper product than the expensive one that will get more use


I don’t majorly spend but every few weeks/months I have this urge to do some online clothes shopping. I’ve been keeping track of my spending though, and that impulse seems to be happening more and more frequently. Your suggestion to set a day to shop is so smart! I’m not someone who’s going to go crazy spending hundreds, so it’s a safe way for me to keep tabs on the addictive-nature of clothes (when I don’t even care about clothes that much...)! Thanks Chelsea!


I already memorised my credit card number. I did it because my partner had and I didn't think I would be able to do it. I have not regretted it but maybe I should. I am overconfident. Which results in me having no money a week into the month.


Yeah I'm definitely the Overconfident type; like, the part you said about saving "whatever's left" is just spot on (also, I used to buy myself a donut on Tuesdays, because I hate Tuesdays; and then on Wednesdays, because hump day; and then on Thursday because it's almost Friday...). I did take your advice about immediately transferring money to my savings, so at least that's some progress. I'm also very prone to choice paralysis; almost every time I go out to buy clothes, I get immediately overwhelmed by the variety and then just walk out with nothing. Which I guess isn't so bad financially, but it's a lot more stressful than shopping should be :)
