Does SCIENCE make FAITH obsolete? Rice Professor, James Tour at @TheVeritasForum at Tulane

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Rice chemistry professor, James Tour, answers the question "Does science make faith obsolete? at The Veritas Forum at Tulane, 2015.
God bless.
00:00 Teaser
00:50 The Scientific work of James Tour
11:43 Personal Background and Faith
30:00 Chemical Issues with Evolution
45:03 What's your competing theory?
48:51 Man without God
50:40 Question and Answer
WeChat - @drjamestour
God bless.
00:00 Teaser
00:50 The Scientific work of James Tour
11:43 Personal Background and Faith
30:00 Chemical Issues with Evolution
45:03 What's your competing theory?
48:51 Man without God
50:40 Question and Answer
WeChat - @drjamestour
Does science make faith obsolete? Rice Professor, James Tour at The Veritas Forum at Tulane
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