Eric Metaxas: The Miracle of the Universe

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According to a nationwide survey, more than two-thirds of atheists and one-third of agnostics believe that “the findings of science make the existence of God less probable,” while nearly half of self-identified theists believe “the findings of science are neutral with regard to the existence of God.” But what if there is another option? What if the discoveries of science actually lend support to belief in God?

Taped at the 2019 Dallas Science and Faith Conference at Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas sponsored by Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture.

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I loved how he opened with the admission he is not a scientist. Now if we could only get Bill Nye to admit the same thing.


I fell into the science trap and partially deconstructed my faith. I realize I was wrong. God is everything. Thank you for the presentation.


"The Creator has signed his work, and you're it."

So much good stuff in this talk, and the humor is icing.


"There is a hunger in the world for this kind of information!"


A colleague once asked me if I buy Lotto tickets--I said I contribute to the pool at work, not because of any hope of winning, but more because if the pool happens to win I don't want to be the guy still at work. He laughed at me, saying that I, like everybody else in the office, was delusional--did I know that the odds of winning were one in about 34 million? I know he's a strong evolutionist, so I asked him what were good odds--to which he just laughed. I asked him whether the odds of one in ten to the power of a hundred were good. At this point I got a frown--and had the concept of odds explained to me. I listened to his explanation and then asked, "So I guess the odds of one in ten to the forty thousandth power aren't good either?" He stared at me. Hadn't I heard anything he'd said? "It's just because the British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle calculated that the random chance of the universe being fine-tuned to the extent that it is, and so support life, is one in ten to the forty thousandth power, " I said. "And you, being a staunch evolutionist, seem to be quite happy with those odds." He now avoids me.


The most important issue in the entire universe is the fact that there is a Creator and that each and every human being will meet Him one day. Everything else is irrelevant.


I am a former athiest. After decades of analyzing the cosmos i am infinitely convinced "God exist". The clue is simple, "The infinite cosmos, ".


Truth is everything. Truth came in a person through Christ.


It is very encouraging that someone like Metaxas is on the side of Logos. He seems to be a beast of Truth.


How I wish Eric to host the Oscars! Love from India 🇮🇳


Keep talking (and writing), Eric Metaxas. Love hearing what you have to say! I had to listen to this post twice, it was so good!


we need much more of this videos, i'm muslim and the professor is so good i hope my University professors talk and behave like that


This guy is so honest. I'm gonna read Hugh Ross and John Lennox, now


I stumbled onto Eric's piece on the Wall Street Journal and it is fantastic.


A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.~~Max Planck


Thankyou Bless You Discovery Institute, such Great Work" Love it


I attended an Arts/Music College in the '80s. While speaking with other "newbies" from various fields, we reached a consensus that our professors were encouraging us to throw out and challenge whatever we had learned about our chosen instrument or art focus. The assumption was, of course, creativity is the ultimate goal.
For the arts, that idea may be a decent goal. But unfortunately and apparently this has transitioned into the culture as an underlying maxim, "Whatever is new is good! Whatever is old is bad!" [As if 'old ideas' about truth have an expiration date, after which they will begin to stink].
For example, homosexual sexual relations: "Um...yuck? But different! And therefore, new, and therefore good!"
'Traditional marriage' = Okay, but--old! Old is bad! Therefore, yuck!
As Eric pointed out--some of these ideas are very unlivable when thought through--but whatever! We're onto the 'next new thing!'
How fascinating that our hearts as humans desire something 'new'; and how God will ultimately answer this desire:
"Behold, I am making all things new!", says the Lord.


I wish there is a two-thumbs up button!!


Hallelujah, Peace be with you, Good Lenten Journey, Happy Palm Sunday; Thank you & your supporters for all Your good works, God bless you… ✝🙀😇🙏 God bless America, in Jesus name, amen.


"Miracles" has been on my list to buy for ages but I have been waiting for it to be released on Audible. Wondering if this will happen any time soon? Loved Bonhoeffer and Amazing Grace. Two excellent reads!
