What is Manuka Honey? What Makes it Special and How to Find Authentic Manuka Honey - Thomas DeLauer
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Antler Farms® Manuka Honey is 100% pure, raw, unpasteurized and unfiltered. Our Manuka honey is collected by honey bees in remote, pristine wilderness areas of New Zealand, free from environmental pollution.
Our Manuka honey is a rich source of Methylglyoxal (MGO). MGO is a prized compound and what gives Manuka honey its powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
About 80% of the manuka honeys that you find on the market are fake. That's why it's really important to understand what makes manuka honey special, because it is not just regular honey.
Regular honey has a lot of powerful effects when it comes down to therapeutic settings. Regular honey has hydrogen peroxide in it, which gives it tremendous benefits. But what makes manuka honey unique is that it has of course those hydrogen peroxide effects, but it also has non-hydrogen peroxide attributes.
So with manuka honey, you have some specific compounds in it, one of which is called MGO, or methylglyoxal. Now, methylglyoxal is the powerful antibacterial. It has been demonstrated to help inhibit up to 60 different strains of bacteria, including E. coli.
So from a digestive standpoint, you get quite a little boost there, but when you also look at the prebiotic component of manuka honey, there's oligosaccharides which can be a tremendous prebiotic fiber and help support the good bacteria in your gut to begin with. So really a fascinating compound when you look at all of these different components.
The Unique Manuka Factor looks at the components that are in manuka honey. Because remember, like I said, close to 80% of manuka honeys on the market are fake. They can just call it manuka honey because there's not a whole lot of regulating bodies. But there's something called a UMFHA, which is an independent organization that tests honeys or honeys that are claiming to be manuka to see if they actually have the components.
You see, the deal with manuka honey is it's a very small window of time. The flower only blooms for like two to six weeks out of the year, and then when you factor in weather, you factor in other things, that window could shrink tremendously. So that can make the market price of manuka honey go up and down depending on that.
So what they do is they harvest this nectar, they harvest, they take the honeycomb, they warm it, they heat it, and then they spin it rapidly and that allows the contents to extract. That way you're getting the full spectrum and getting all the components. So this UMFHA, this independent organization, what they'll do is they'll test honey and they test for three specific things. They test for the MGO content, and they also test for the DHA content, the dihydroxyacetone level because that's again a good indicator. And then they also test for something called leptosperin, which is another indicator of the antibacterial components and how high the quality is.
Antler Farms® Manuka Honey is independently tested and certified. The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) ratings guarantee the level of MGO and other key chemical markers in our Manuka honey.
Antler Farms® is a New Zealand based producer of high quality, natural dietary supplements for sports, health and fitness. Though we are headquartered in the Canterbury region of beautiful New Zealand, we specialize in bringing our products to the North American market through our distribution center in the USA.
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