Cynthia Lennon interviews Julian about John [Rare interview]

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Cynthia interviews Julian about his memories of father John Lennon. (Not sure what year this was?)
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You can hear the sadness in Julian and see the pain in his mother's eyes and yet that great bond of love for each other as mother and son so happy they had each other what lovely people.


Julian, you got two great things in this life: your dad’s talent and a wonderful mother.


Julian Lennon grew into an even finer, seasoned man who lives to spread acts of kindness through his charities and music. I was devastated for him when his mother died. I think she was his true touchstone. He has his father's talent; his mother's compassion. I am thrilled he and Sean are close now.


Julian and Cynthia are such nice people


He always looked like a really unhappy child but grew up to be a lovely fella!


Hearing Julian talking it's like hearing John. Their voice is quite similar sometimes


Cynthia has a calm soothing voice. She has a relaxed personality. Rip Cynthia!


Cynthia Lennon was a class act. Every interview she gave she was always charitable with her words. Considering what she went through in terms of John & Yoko, she never had a seriously unkind word to say. Polar opposite of Yoko.


Julian looks very much like his dad, with his mum's sensitivity and intelligence. Great combination.


Rare eye opener into Cynthia, beautiful, eloquent, kind and protective of her son Julian. What a class act she was here and a wonderful mother.


I'm so happy that he had Cynthia for a mother. All the goodness about her definitely passed down to him. Bless her heart, he is the man he is today because of her.


Oh my goodness I never heard the story about Julian's "dead" grandfather lifting him up in that car accident where everyone was injured but him! So fantastic.
He's very polite about Ono, and kind about his Dad being largely absent during his formative years. Such a fine fellow.
My nephew met him once in a bar near Muscle Shoals recording studios and he thought he was such a down to earth guy. He liked him.
Julian is a fine performer in his own right. He's just the spirit and image of his father also.


Cynthia Lennon is such a lovely, sophisticated, humble, beautiful woman. John was a fool to let her go. Yoko doesn't hold a handle to her.


I'm so impressed by Cynthia. Not a lot of parents talk to their kids with so much respect for their individuality. She was gracious and caring and respectful and curious about him. Wow, I can see why John fell in love with her.


The pic at 00:32 is priceless. Man, when Julian says "You'd known him more than I had, and longer, " the look on Cynthia's face made my heart ache. As if to say "My son, I'm so sorry you got robbed of more time with him." Such sweet people.


Cynthia was the best Lennon wife.
1) She loved John for him, not his money.
2)She was kind and cared for him deeply.
3)She made sure John was happy whenever she could.
4) She put John before herself.
5) she encouraged John greatly and supported his love of music.
6) She made sure their home was as welcoming and as comforting as she could for John to come home to after being on a tour.
7) She comforted him when he was sad.
8) She was always there for him.
9) In both of her books she never says a bad thing about him and always talks about his strengths and tries to make his weaknesses sound good.
10) The one that really proves she loved him is that she gave up her dream of becoming an art teacher, so John could achieve his dream of becoming a famous musician. People think that she was just a boring person, but she had dreams too and lots of people who knew her say that she was far from boring.

She was PERFECT for John, He made a huge mistake leaving her, but deep down I think that he never stopped loving Cynthia ever.
John said in 1974 "It is said I never loved Cyn, that's far from the truth. We were young, big headed and got into a physical relationship too soon. Perhaps if we took things slow we would have made it. I *know* we would have made it".

I believe that yoko was just a stupid obsession and that Cynthia was the real love of his life. I love John so much, but I hate him for leaving Cyn and treating her bad when all she wanted to do was give him love and affection, but Do you want to know why I think she's a better person than yoko? She has NEVER said a bad thing about yoko and never blames her for their marriage falling apart, but Yoko always hated Cynthia and for what reason? Just because she was John's wife? The wife she knew he had while she purposely tried splitting them up. Now that shows how much of a better person Cynthia is than yoko.


visually julian is such an even mix of john and cynthia


John had been a fool to leave both of them


Julian must miss his Mother very much. I sure hope he has true friends. Life can be cruel and he deserves happiness and comfort.


Amazing then that many years later Julian was handed a white feather by an aboriginal lady prompting him to found the White Feather Foundation.
So much time for Julian and his late Mother. They both deserved better than they got yet neither were/are bitter people.
