KPK Arrests Six Suspects in Legal Operation

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Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menetapkan 10 tersangka kasus suap dan pemerasan terkait penanganan perkara di Mahkamah Agung. Salah satu tersangkanya adalah Hakim Agung Sudrajad Dimyati. Enam tersangka telah ditahan selama 20 hari ke depan, sementara empat tersangka lainnya termasuk Hakim Agung Sudrajad Dimyati belum ditahan. KPK meminta keempat tersangka mematuhi dan mengindahkan panggilan pemeriksaan. Dalam operasi tersebut, KPK menyita dana sebesar SGD 205.000 atau sekitar Rp 2,2 miliar, serta uang tunai Rp 50 juta.


The Corruption Eradication Commission or KPK, named 10 suspects for bribery and extortion, connected to case handling in the Supreme Court. One of the Suspects is Supreme Justice, Sudrajad Dimyati. Six suspects have been detained for the next 20 days, while four other suspects including Supreme Justice, Sudrajad Dimyati are yet to be detained. The commission has asked the four suspects to comply and heed summons for examinations. During the operation, the commission seized funds amounting of SGD 205,000 or around 2.2 billion rupiah, along with 50 million rupiah in cash.

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