They Want You But Not A Relationship... | Dating Advice

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Hooking up can be tempting, but if you know you desire real love, and a real relationship, then you should not entertain someone who isn't serious about you...

Don't make this about commitment issues, because even if that's the case, then that is an issue they need to resolve on their own. Many will use that as a cop out, or to gain some sympathy to keep you holding on to a relationship that simply isn't going anywhere.

If you are asking any of the following questions:
- He doesn't want a relationship what to do
- He doesn't want anything serious
- He doesn't want a relationship right now
- He doesn't want a title
- He doesnt want a commitment
- Online dating tips
- Dating coach for women
- Dating expert
- Relationship expert
- Life coach
and more, well I believe this relationship advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.

I provide dating advice for women and dating advice for men. I pray you find this video helpful and be sure to subscribe to my channel.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "They Want You But Not A Relationship..."

Watch this video next dating advice video "🛑 STOP Letting Him Waste Your Time! | Letting Him Go"


#TheyDontWantARelationship #HookingUp #DatingAdvice
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Knowing the difference between a man who wants a piece of you vs. The man who wants to be a part of you will save a bunch of headaches, heartbreaks, and time wasting.


My husband passed away in 2017 & he wrote me a letter months before he passed away from cancer. I happened to have found the letter a few months later in my nightstand. There was a specific part of his letter that will always be in my heart and cherished forever! He wrote.... “There will be many men who want you, but only one will “DESERVE” you”! 😭❤️


Nothing makes a man stay faithful but his own will. ❤


If ur absence doesnt make them want u, then ur presence shouldnt be around them...


Just walked away from a girl i was dating. Asked the exclusive question after we kissed she paused and waited like she needed to think abt it but in my mind there was nothing to think abt. I had been dating her for 7 months spending time with her and more importantly stopped dating other girls because i thought she was most special. I asked her if she would be my girlfriend she paused for a while i broke the silence and said dont worry abt it(i was pretty hurt that it was a question she had to think abt it) i ended the date a little early stated i had to be up early. She texted dont take my silence as a no(but i knew better than that) i told her how i felt and that i wanted a relationship with her and that i don't want to force it if it's not something shes ready for right now. She replied her ex boyfriend is crazy and wont leave her alone. In other words shes back and forth on the fence and wants to get back with her ex that left her but shes uncertain if she should leave him for good. I could tell from her answer she wont let go of her ex so i did a favor and said hey well i told u how i felt and....went on a paragraph..and said well hey it was really nice knowing you for the time but i rather just focus on my individual self and improving my life from this point forward i hope nothing but the best on you and your journey. Have a good one. She texted back i meant i cant be your gf right now what do you mean? We can still talk i care for you. I didnt reply back. The fact that she went that long of a time without telling me at least after the 2nd date that "i like you and want to date u but right now im healing or something like im hurting or something. It was as i felt being used to get her mind off of him. I'm dating another beautiful girl at my college now. It took a whole month not to wake up feeling like my heart weighed 40lbs and feeling sad it was almost uncontrollable that i felt that way first thing in the morning but being an active young male I would compete playing sports and doing other things to occupy my mind like i always did after school and work. It hurt but I really started to love her and had the thought of possibly marrying her in another year or 2 after dating a good time. Moral of the story dont be afraid to walk away from lukewarm girls who are on the fence about 2 or several guys bouncing back and forth playing with all of their emotions.


Men are exhausting 🤦🏽‍♀️ I gave up. Life is too short for all these mind games 🤷🏽‍♀️


I had deleted all contacts that were no good for me going into this year. Today I was watching my motivation videos and all of a sudden a phone number with no contact name texted me saying oh hey I haven't talked to you in forever, and I thought we were friends and this and that. I was like I don't even recognize the number and if I deleted you as a contact last year you will not be coming back into my life this year. I blocked the number and deleted the message. I'm not a convenience to any man when they think they can just randomly text me because they don't have anyone at the moment. Learned that from you. Have to be strong in your convictions because you are worth your weight in gold if you chose to be.


I learned this the hard way one year ago after my 3 year relationship ended. I actually thought we were in a relationship but his last words to me were “I can’t remember ever asking you to be my girlfriend”. Yup, after traveling the world together, being introduced to family members as gf etc. I was obviously his option until he found something “better”. These days my heart stays guarded!!!


Wasted time is something we cannot get back. Do no allow anybody to waste your time know when to walk away and close the book. Protect your peace and sanity.


I was talking to a guy for months and he played mental gymnastics with me, we went through an emotional rollercoaster just for him to recently tell me he’s not ready for a relationship and he just wants a “sample” I told him we want different things and I’ll save my body for a king who wants all of me. I cut him off for good two days ago.


Looorrrd I just went through this 😭😭 He talked to me everyday for a month, complimented me, vibed with me, we hung out, and just when I was excited about our connection and thought he was ready to start dating me..he backs away and starts talking alot less, treats me like I'm not that important and eventually ends things with me. I was devestated and depressed for over a month...just starting to try to move on now. Guess he "wanted" me but didn't value building anything with me like that. Crushed all my hopes for having an actual relationship


ive been hanging out with a guy for 7 months and he doesnt want nothing but a friendship/ sex buddy when he isnt entertaining other woman....i had to step back because i actually really like him, and it sucks when u know they dont feel the same...


Don't confuse someone "investing" in you as love. Men will spend spend (money and time) for that 🐈 then drop you like nothing after getting it.


"Don't confuse their desire with them valuing you!" 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌You said a word right there!!! Passing the collection plate right Just ended a relationship because although he said he wanted me and our relationship, he want putting in work to keep me or this relationship! He couldn't see my worth and I shouldn't have to keep proving my value to him! If he cannot and couldn't see it, let me remove my whole self out of his view! I have no more time to waste!


A lot of people want what’s quick and convenient. Let me get what I want from this person, that person...
We repeat the cycle leading up to marriage. Soon as our spouse do something we don’t like, we ready to leave. The danger of a serial dater jumping into marriage.


This video is so on time! I just decided this week to stop wasting my time with a guy who obviously isn't that serious about me. His name in my phone is "He not ready sis" lol as a reminder 😂


Wow! I needed to hear this. Thanks Stephan Speaks!! 💯 I have met three guys in the last several months (all at various times) saying they wanted to get to know more about me because they were intrigued and liked who I am as a person. With each guy, the conversations were good, even the their lasts texts and conversations ended on a high note and expressed interest. Literally, a day or so later I begin to notice habits changed in regards to communication. I asked one guy was everything good, he was like yep. So I'm like how are you so head over hills one day and the next you're dry. So I begin to evaluate each conversation with each guy...I reviewed my texts and they all stated something positive on both ends and I replayed our last verbal conversations (in my mind) and the same thing we got off saying we will chat later, have a great night, let me call you back in a few minutes and etc. Nothing alarming to say I needed to be ghosted. So I got in my feelings but soon realized maybe God is covering me from the men I don't need.


You are preaching. Do not confuse their desire with them valuing you. Man I had this wrong. Now I know why I'm not married, because every guy wasnt my husband. They just wanted to play with me.


I'm sick and tired of it. My whole life I've never dated a man who really wanted a relationship just hookups.


On time Word! I just made a major decision, wasn’t easy but I believe it’s worth it...#growth #ValueYourselfQueen
