STUPID Comparison is EYE Opening | STIHL vs Husqvarna vs ECHO

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How does the ECHO CS-620P compare to the Husqvarna 562XP and STIHL MS460???

EXILE Muffler Cover can be purchased for numerous STIHL Models like the 400C, 261C, 500i, 661, 660 440/460, 462 and more! @Tri-starsupplyllc


The saws run in the video are owned by me and @zeromark202. The ported ECHO saws were built by @Super-Dave-Outdoors @CharlesBrisco @novicelumberjack and the modded muffler was generously sold to me at a VERY good price by @MitchellsBackyardLogging

I Love my @ECHOTools @HusqvarnaUSA and @stihlusa Chainsaws shown in this video.
#stihl #husqvarna #echo #chainsaw #chainsawman
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I don't care which one gets through first, I want the one that keeps running. That would be echo.


Echo is under dog all time but they are awesome saws and they start so well. Great episode


I’ve always been a husqvarna guy, UNTIL I got my cs590.
Now I’m an echo guy.
I’ve always had echo yard equipment, for decades!! Wanted to try an echo saw, and absolutely love it.
The power, dependability, even the built quality is awesome!!!
I’m not a professional logger, but heat house and shop with wood.
In Michigan, I process all my own timber, for heating.
All good saws, but echo is go to!!
Good video!!


Super dave is a Echo wizard, his porting technique is very scientific and his results show the fruit of his fastidiousness...


I'm so glad I picked up a new Echo 620 before the California engine ban. I love all my Huskies and Stihls, but I have Echos from the mid 70's that start in 2 pulls still. $600 for a saw that runs like this? Fantastic. Great saws, fun comparison!


That Husky 562 sure has a nice sound. It’s nice and throaty!! Nice video.


I just bought an Echo 20” Timber Wolf, with the larger engine. I’ve used their blowers, and weed trimmers for years, and have never failed me. If they made mowers, I would get one of those too.


Awesome video thanks so much for your time making it. However I still love my brushless Makita battery operated chainsaw hands down. It starts every time regardless of the temperature outside as long as I have fresh batteries. It's so nice and quiet no one has to listen to me cutting in the woods. With the exception of batteries if I have enough batteries to keep my saw going hands down I will never use another gas saw as long as I live. I definitely don't want a battery-operated pickup truck but as for the chainsaw I don't know how life could get much better than a battery-operated one with fresh charged batteries 😁 ✌️🇺🇸


I grew up cutting timber, logging, etc, and went through many different makes of chainsaws and won many chainsaw-cutting contests two things are most important #1 knowing how to file the chain to get the most out of it, #2 using your dogs to hook into the log to get a large bite and add more power to weight ratio. I see you just hanging the blade trying to use only the weight of the saw, this is not how you make fast work, so use your dogs and dig in and apply more force on the blade! Got it? filing the chain is an art you need to learn.


Now I wish we grabbed the 660 and tested. All the saws are excellent, we went so fast it’s hard to feel them.


So what i am seeing is... a "almost stock" 460 is just as good as a ported echo saw. Granted all of this cutting really has more to do with the chain grind and how sharp each chain is.


Always fun to make some noise and play with the saws a bit. Nice video.


They all seemed to be running just fine although with the 562 I did expect a bit more, especially with the shorter bar.


I have one of each brand, and they are both great saws. You need to use saws with new chains and bars. The size of the bars is a huge factor. The age of the saws is also a factor. Your technique is a factor. The amount of downward pressure applied is a factor. The size of the saws is a huge factor. As you said, this was just for fun. I will say it is much easier to get service done on the Stihl.


Fancy comparison! I think the saws that have your logo on the bar cut the fastest🤓


Mr Joe Awesome comparison. I really feel the exile muffle cover helped that 460 out alot on the low end.


I have a Super Dave Outdoors Echo 7310p ported chainsaw.

It is a beauty. Sounds like a race kart and cuts so smooth!


I'd love to see a sound level comparison done as well. Too many equate loud pipes with better performance. Personally I'd like a saw that rips into it and the sound doesn't rattle your teeth.


7:31 ...I know that...that's what my neighborhood sounds like on Saturdays


Well that is interesting!
Again a lot of variables, if you went out next week and did all the same tests the results may be different. But that is how testing goes! They are tools/toys and in reality 99% of people cant notice a 1 second difference in a 20 second cut in real life so they should all be just fine to work with.
