Highlands (Song Of Ascent) // Benjamin William Hastings // Take 2

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Verse 1
O how high would I climb mountains
If the mountains were where You hide
O how far I'd scale the valleys
If You graced the other side

Verse 2
O how long have I chased rivers
From lowly seas to where they rise
Against the rush of grace descending
From the source of its supply

Pre- Chorus 1
In the highlands and the heartache
You're neither more or less inclined
I would search and stop at nothing
You're just not that hard to find

So I will praise You on the mountain
And I will praise You when the mountain's in my way
You're the summit where my feet are
So I will praise You in the valleys all the same

No less God within the shadows
No less faithful when the night leads me astray
You're the heaven where my heart is
In the highlands and the heartache all the same

Verse 3
O how far beneath Your glory
Does Your kindness extend the path
From where Your feet rest on the sunrise
To where You sweep the sinner's past

Verse 4
O how fast would You come running
If just to shadow me through the night
Trace my steps through all my failure
And walk me out the other side

Pre- Chorus 2
For who could dare ascend that mountain
That valleyed hill called Calvary
But for the One I call Good Shepherd
Who like a lamb was slain for me

Whatever I walk through
Wherever I am
Your Name can move mountains
Wherever I stand

And if ever I walk through
The valley of death
I'll sing through the shadows
My song of ascent

Pre-Chorus 3
From the gravest of all valleys
Come the pastures we call grace
A mighty river flowing upwards
From a deep but empty grave

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Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today🙏🏻. His name is Jesus.❤


I'm 13 years old, I grew up in a Christian family, I have 9 siblings. And I want to serve God until the end of my life


Today I gave my life to Jesus while listening to this song. I am saved, AMEN! God bless whoever is watching this video!


I put this song on repeat for 4 hours during labour. I was worshipping God during my contractions. My labour and birth of my son was without pain. It was beautiful.
He came so calmly into this world. God was with me 💛


I was a drug addict, homeless on the streets... God is good he always makes a way.. now I've been clean for 2 years, and not turning back..


This is one of the most brilliant songs they've ever written in my opinion. The lyrics combined with the arrangement is just so amazing.


Tears flow and I just want to praise and love my God. This song is holy.. Not your normal worship song. Thank you Mr. Hastings.


I played this song over and over during my cancer treatment. He is God when I'm on the mountain, and He is God when I'm in the valley. And He is with me always.


This is one of the most beautiful songs that I have ever heard, definitely a song of a generation.


my all-time favorite worship song. The best reminder of who our God is


My wife and I listened to this song on the way to every chemotherapy treatment. Many times I struggled to hide my tears, but this song gave voice to the deep cry of my heart.


Worship is our biggest weapon against the forces of darkness.


My favorite part of this video is that I can hear his heart.


I used to feel like I lost my way after I was raped as a child, but Jesus has walked with me ever since It happened to me, trust me.. there is a God and his name is powerful especially having that be the mountain in my way and the deepest of valleys I owe Jesus my life and I remember once I was so grieved about my own loss that I threw things and trashed my house and broke windows and I felt that nobody cares about what happened at all.. and when I damaged a photo of Jesus that day I cried because my savior got caught in my anger because it hurt. Then I remembered that Jesus understands my pain. I was lost in self harm and a delusion that collided with the promise from God. These songs are vary anointed and with the help from all the new age worship songs to God I felt the forgiveness of not mentioning what happened to me, to God. 😢❤ I wanna just sprout my wings and fly away to heaven. Nobody wants a damaged girl/woman except Jesus. I've been told I have a face only For could Love. I feel Jesus holding onto me for dear life. This is what I walk througu but I've moved mountains in Jesus name before and if that was possible then sprouting wings is possible too. 😢


My baby usually fall sleep listening to this beauty song


To the person reading this. May God grant and answer your prayers. He will always make a way for our everyday’s struggles and trials. Keep praying and always have faith. God Bless. ☺❤


This was the song God gave me when I needed it badly. This song was a major factor in me turning my life around. This will always be one of my absolute favorites. I will never go back.


This song is my anthem. Truly with me in my highest of highs and lowest of lows especially last year 2023. I resonate with it a lot. Normally when troubles come, we just want to run away. But this song reminded me that Jesus is beside us through it all. He is not even on the other side. He is beside us holding our hands. "And oh how fast will You come running, if just to shadow me through the night. You trace my steps through all my failures and walked me out the other side."

"Youre the heaven where my heart is, in the highlands, in the heartache all thesame."

So sooo beautiful.


The way Benjamin Hastings delivers these songs, they have a way of getting to my heart, my soul, my whole being. It takes a little maturity in scriptures to understand the deep meaning of most of his lyrics. I'm just grateful for his talent which He uses to share Christ and reach souls.


Unbelievable beautiful, unshakable truth, makes me cry. God please carry me through my valleys and let me praise you on the way!
