Diplomacy Forum 2024 - Virtual Remarks from Volodymyr Usov, CEO, Kurs Orbital

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Mr. Vladimir Rousseff, CEO of Orbital and former Chairman of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, emphasized Ukraine's commitment to international space collaboration through the Artemis Accords, which Ukraine signed with NASA in 2020. Participation in the Artemis program enhances Ukraine's technological abilities and economic development through new industries and potential foreign investments in aerospace. Ukraine’s participation in the Artemis Accords helps integrate the country into the international space community. As a result, it opens the door to opportunities for further collaboration beyond the Artemis program and contributing to industrial recovery post-conflict. Rousseff focused on Ukraine's ongoing commitment to global security and the peaceful, cooperative use of space, underscoring the country's capabilities in launch vehicle development and propulsion systems.

Speaker: Mr. Vladimir Rousseff, CEO, Orbital, Former Chairman of the State Space Agency of Ukraine

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