Bolden Legacy

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A retirement ceremony was held on 3 July 2019 at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium. Bolden retired after 26 years in the Marine Corps. His father, MajGen Charles Bolden '68, USMC (Ret.), served the Marine Corps for 34 years.

Ché Bolden’s retirement day marked the conclusion of more than 60 years of combined Marine Corps service for the Bolden men. During his 26-year career, Ché Bolden flew combat operations over Iraq and Afghanistan, assisted with the Corps’ implementation of unmanned aerial vehicles and helped usher in new ways for Marine bases to operate.
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I stumbled across this. I knew Col Che when he was a student and football/track teammate at Seabrook Int. and Clear Lake High. I left to go live with my Dad in Ohio halfway through Sophomore year of HS, but Che was a born leader. He was the student council pres back in the day. As a former Marine myself 1812 Tanker, from 92-96 it would have been an honor to be under his command. Semper Fi Colonel Che. Ooh Rah. I'm quite sure you were an outstanding leader of Marines. Ooh Rah!!!


BRAVO ZULU, Ché! I have had the pleasure of meeting your Dad through my work at NASA where I just retired from on August 31st. He's a great man and I can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Congratulations on your retirement and I wish you continued success in your future endeavors! Sincerely, Mark Hubbard USNA '76


Clearly a family of great Americans. Congratulations on your retirement!


MajGen Charles Bolden '68 was a sharp Plebe in my Company.
*s/ Retired 24 Year US Navy Submariner - USNA Class of 1965 - Former Enlisted Man*


Thank you for this. My son has decided to attend the Academy and I needed to see this.
Semper Fi
