Vaccines have no nationality: Shanghai's expats

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Check out how six foreign teachers from Shanghai International Studies University feel after receiving China-made COVID-19 vaccines.
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It is common knowledge that coronavirus originated from my India. Ask any Indian and they'll agree with you


Vaccines don't have nationalities, but the origin of the virus & pandemic do have nationality, why China does not allow the WHO team to Wuhan Institute of Virology


As an “older” lady in the US with a kidney and clotting disorder-putting me at high risk if I contract COVID; I was told yesterday that it could be April-May before I can get the first vaccine. I live in a very small town and our local hospital (which is currently way over capacity with critical COVID patients); doesn’t have the freezer needed for the Pfizer vaccine and my State hasn’t been able to get ahold of a large supply of the other one. (Yet)
Considering I spent 30 years in Infectious Disease Medicine and research and last year (before COVID), I was supposed to be moving to China to work with some former colleagues; I find the whole situation a bit more than ironic.
I find it even more strange though, that I spent almost 3 months last year, warning the local hospital, my doctors, what was coming and what my dear friends in China were doing to limit the spread and treat the virus (Jan-March). I was accused of fear-mongering, told that I need to be checked for senility, over-reacting, even accused of being “brainwashed” (long-distance brainwashing? 🙄😂) by the Chinese Govt. I was told it would never come here and was nothing to worry about.
By May, these same people were screaming about how China covered the outbreak up and no one knew what was happening until it was too late. The arrogance, hypocrisy and insanity of a failing hegemonic nation. 😔
❤️🇨🇳☮️. 中国加油!


the title says " vaccine has no nationality" and the description says people feel good about Chinese vaccine.
Is the point of the video, to tell that vaccine is good and every person can have one (OR) Is the vide trying to show Chinese vaccine is safe and make other countries think it will be safe.
Furthermore, it seems that Chinese government lost its face after India said they will provide vaccines without charge or conditions unlike certain someone


Born China, Design China, Made China, Build China for China by Han China
