Is KNIFE THROWING Useful? (Shadiversity Respond)

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#Shadiversity #KnifeThrowing #Respond
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What do you think guys is Knife Throwing Useful or not? Let me know your Opinions in comment section, ))

PS: Support this channel and get some REAL Throwing Knives right here:


I’m a former marine and lifelong martial artist, 45 yrs old now. When I was 42 I saw one of his no-spin knife throwing demos and went deep dive on this technique because I’ve always hated throwing knives as they are sold in America. 6 months later myself and my two pre teen sons can no spin 6+ knives up to 20’ without thinking, either hand and with a moment. Or two I’ve gotten 30’. No spin is real and it’s awesome and all the years I wasted not throwing because of the one step distance is screwed thing. Great new video sir!! Thanks forever!!


I'll say basically what I said on Shad's video. As mentioned throwing a knife is never your primary weapon and its not like a throwing knife isn't also literally just a knife. Its useful either way and having a multifunctional weapon is never a bad thing. Especially when you get to throwing larger knives there is nothing stopping you from using in melee as well if need be. So glad to see you made a response I was really hoping an expert would weigh in.


In terms of practical self defense, I feel that no-spin knife throwing techniques are also very useful for improvising weapons. Even blunt objects like bottles and rocks can very effectively phase a surprise attacker long enough to land a blow with another weapon.


"The enemy can not press a button... if you have disabled his hand. Medic!"

-Career Sergeant Zim


I hope Shad saw this. Not just for the counterpoint arguments and example, but also the classy productive approach to sharing your insights in a constructive way. I love to see people who communicate on or debate over a topic to focus on reasoned arguments, sharing skills/insights, with a focus on sharing knowledge and addressing points of contention in a way that respects all involved and looks towards uplifting everyone involved. Kudos to you, Adam!:)


I know nothing of throwing knifes but even I felt that Shad kind of missed something in his video. Searched some and found your channel which confirmed that suspicion. Great throwing


I was a self taught knife thrower as a youngster. In life I doubt knife throwing will affect most people's lives. That being said it IS USEFUL and so much fun. Being a machinist (with tiny amount of experience throwing) you thoughts and presentation as just about perfect. I appreciate honesty and truth especially when the person giving it knows what they are talking about. Now you have me wanting to do small time competitive knife throwing just for personal enjoyment. Thank you.


In the last month I learned a lot from your tutorials. In this month I became a decent knife thrower. Easy to learn, hard to master, like boomerang. Im excited to keep it up and get better. Good work man, you seem to have a good body mind balance.


Most respectful callout video / rebuttal ive ever seen i love this. Also i learned once that acknowledging a counterpoint strengthens your own argument which you did! Great video man!


Knife throwing is one of those misunderstood things so it is both, over hyped and underrated. But I liked this video because you talked about not only what Shad got wrong, but also what he got right, and that's needed when starting an adventure like this.


Didn’t know how practical knife throwing could be. Great video. Glad I ran into it considering I watched Shad’s video about knife throwing
I also think the shirikan you showed would do far more damage on a human. If it goes that deep into a block of wood, flesh stands no chance.


Man you are so awesome to share your knowledge. We are constantly add new things to our way of life. Who doesn’t carry a knife with them so my first line of defense would be my knife, so we better learn how to use it the best way from a teacher like you. Thank you


Regardless of how useful it would be in combat, its a great sport for discipline and takes a lot of effort


"Throwing" : *is useful*
"Knives" : *are useful*
"Throwing Knives /!\" *immense confusion*


This was a very educational and entertaining video Adam. Made me think twice about throwing knives. I've wanted to get into that at some point. You earned yourself another subscriber. :D

Also, I came from watching Shad's video on throwing knives, whom I am a long time subscriber and fan of. I am glad to get some perspective on the argument. It helps me be correct when I repeat this to my friends, so in case they have seen Shad's vid or if I were to only refer to Shad's take on the argument, I wouldn't have your perspective had I not seen your vid too. So I will mention your points to them as well, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Very, very appreciative of your upload and will watch many more of your vids. ^^


Hi Adam Celadin, I’m new to your channel and I just recently got into knife throwing and I absolutely love it. it’s challenging and works with having a discipline routine. I also cut my right hand pretty bad yesterday but I’m still eager to learn. Just gotta learn on my left while it heals:)


I think you got this one, you addressed the "is it over hyped" problem too many weapons have. The only thing I would add is the other weapons in the same category, francisca and chakram, not primary but disruptive.


It’s nice hearing the thoughts of experts in the field who can discuss and dispel the myths around knife throwing. The final minutes had the best information.


I remember watching you a few years back when I was younger and hyped about knives. It’s really cool to see how you developed so far. Amazing video man
