The Common Cold can be CORONAVIRUS Too?! #shorts #omicron #ihu

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Did you know that the Common Cold can be caused by CORONAVIRUS too?! Other videos that might interest you:
#shorts #covid #doctorexplains #doctor #ihu #ihuvariant #covidvariants #coronavirus #commoncold
The news has been dominated by COVID-19, coronavirus, IHU variant, omicron variant, delta variant... but in fact some coronaviruses can cause the common cold as well!
We all know that COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus - specifically SARS-CoV-2, but it's not the only coronavirus out there.
In fact there are hundreds of coronavirus types that circulate within animals, and some jump over to humans to cause disease - this is a spillover event. 7 are known to cause human disease.
Four of them cause mild to moderate respiratory illness, like the common cold (alongside other virus types, like rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and enteroviruses)
But it's the three newest ones that have made headlines in the 21st century as they can cause serious or fatal disease.
Namely, SARS coronavirus that emerged in 2002 causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and disappeared by 2004.
MERS coronavirus causing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome identified in 2012 which jumped from camels.
And finally, SARS coronavirus 2 which causes COVID-19.
But who knows when a new highly infectious virus will jump from animals to humans?
Hi! I am Doctor Azmain Chowdhury, I'm a doctor from London! I post about medicine, science, life as a junior doctor, learning new things, and anything else that interests me! Subscribe for more content soon, and stay groovy! 😎
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#shorts #covid #doctorexplains #doctor #ihu #ihuvariant #covidvariants #coronavirus #commoncold
The news has been dominated by COVID-19, coronavirus, IHU variant, omicron variant, delta variant... but in fact some coronaviruses can cause the common cold as well!
We all know that COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus - specifically SARS-CoV-2, but it's not the only coronavirus out there.
In fact there are hundreds of coronavirus types that circulate within animals, and some jump over to humans to cause disease - this is a spillover event. 7 are known to cause human disease.
Four of them cause mild to moderate respiratory illness, like the common cold (alongside other virus types, like rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, and enteroviruses)
But it's the three newest ones that have made headlines in the 21st century as they can cause serious or fatal disease.
Namely, SARS coronavirus that emerged in 2002 causing Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and disappeared by 2004.
MERS coronavirus causing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome identified in 2012 which jumped from camels.
And finally, SARS coronavirus 2 which causes COVID-19.
But who knows when a new highly infectious virus will jump from animals to humans?
Hi! I am Doctor Azmain Chowdhury, I'm a doctor from London! I post about medicine, science, life as a junior doctor, learning new things, and anything else that interests me! Subscribe for more content soon, and stay groovy! 😎
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