How To Fully Clean Bosch Ductless Dryer Including Sump Pump Pit

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It's extremely important to clean the dryer fully including the sump pump pit. I found this out after having to replace the dryer sump pump after 6 months of use. In the video I show the entire cleaning process and how to access the sump pump pit.
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I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is. And you sir have an admirer. This fixed my dryer that I have been battling for months. The sump fix is amazing.


You have actually saved people hundreds of dollars. Thank you, you magnificent Canadian homeowner.


You saved me from losing my sanity. That trap door is impossible to figure out how to open. Thanks for explaining!


Can't thank you enough for posting this video (especially the part about finding and cleaning the sump pump area). I was still getting a "DR" message on the display board even after cleaning the two pull-out sections. Once I thoroughly cleaned the sump pump area, light is gone and all is well! You saved me a service call for sure! I'll pay it forward! You Rock Rob!


Thank you so much! I clean most areas of the dryer, but didn't know about the area underneath. I removed a bunch of lint and the dreaded DR code is gone. I am living paycheck-to-paycheck, so your video made a huge difference for me!! Thank you!!!!


Thank you much! Have never seen such a comprehensive video on how to fix this dryer. Perfection!


BEST explanation to open the lid to the well where the pump resides. Thank you


This video saved us so much headache. Had no idea about the sub pump. Works like new! Thanks from NYC


Excellent video! Suspicious that this procedure is not listed in the manual…but thankfully your video explained the sump cleaning! Thanks!


I don't typically comment on YT videos but this video was so helpful. We bought our house along with the washer and dryer that were there. For two years I was getting the DR error on almost every load. This video showed me how to remedy the problem and we have had months of error free drying. Thanks so much!!


The trap door to the sump pump! I have been cleaning the vents constantly and water kept building up and the dryer would stop almost every cycle. I couldn't believe the water and lint goo I found down in there! I got it all cleaned out and it's working again! Thank you so much!


This is the real stuff! That"s what i mean when i tell people around me, how and why to clean it seriously. Nobody is waiting on a fire or a broke drywasher! Top video! thanks.


Thank you so much for the great tutorial!!! Our dryer did not dry the clothes well, I found your video and it turned out there were so many dust inside the dryer... We were breathing it... Your video is a lifesaver!!!


I’ve been having trouble with our dryer for MONTHS! Stopping after 5 minutes with a DR error. Could not figure out what was wrong. This video solved our problem!! Thank you so, so much for posting this!


Thank god I found this video. Nobody ever told me to clean it up back there. The manual guide doesn't even mention it. I clean the front part every time. Tomorrow I will ask my husband to help me clean that pomp as well. Hopefully the problem is solved after that.


Most helpful video Rob. After having the dryer for 5 years I didn't even know there was a sump pump reservoir until I watched it. The dryer was stopping too often and not drying well. After removing a generous cup of went lint, it is back to full working order. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this video!!!!
It's the only useful video I found for this specific dryer.
Very well explained. I was able to clean the dryer without fear of ruining it..
Thank you again!!!


Thank you so much! I had no idea about the sump pump pit. I was so close to buying a new dryer after paying almost $200 to get it serviced (the repairman never told me about the sump pump pit) just to have the "DR" error code come up not even 6 months later. Thank you!!


6:22 i wasn't able to disassemble from them machine, with your help i did it and mine was fully loaded water and dirt. i cleaned really nice and it is working flawlessly, it dried awesome without any errors. Thank you so much


Thank you so much for making this video, I've been doing appliance repair for 22 years and had never came across one of these dryers. I do you tube videos too, so I went to you tube and found this video. I got the call done and made the customer happy.
