How to clean Bosch Dishwasher for Maximum Efficiency - Bosch Dishwasher Maintenance

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How to clean Bosch Dishwasher for Maximum Efficiency.
Bosch Dishwasher Maintenance.
It is important to perform maintenance and cleaning on your Bosch Dishwasher to keep it in tip top condition and operating at maximum efficiency.
If you have Bosch Dishwasher problems or it is not working as it should then follow the steps in this video to hopefully help fix your Bosch Dishwasher issues.

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Washing Machines:

Bosch Serie 4 VarioPerfect Washing Machine EcoSilence Drive:

0:00 Introduction and what I will cover in this Video.
0:31 Grab your partner's toothbrush.
0:41 Remove and clean Spray Arms.
2:07 Remove Dishwasher filter.
3:01 Check impeller for debris on the waste water pump.
4:50 Clean Dishwasher filter.
6:41 Re-install Dishwasher filter.
7:26 Pull Dishwasher out.
7:28 Check Dishwasher drainage hose and drainage U-Bend pipework.
8:28 Location of inlet filter, clean this.
8:41 Run a Dishwasher clean to keep it hygienically fresh.
9:42 The sniff test!
10:02 Clean Dishwasher door.
10:25 Time for a cup of Tea.

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Washing Machines:


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My OCD has never been more excited about a video. We just moved into a new home where she had three Persian cats living inside and once upon opening the dishwasher and seeing cat hair I knew I had to look up a video on how to clean this monstrosity. Thank you so much!


Thank you! You just helped me to fix my dishwasher. Tiny metal piece got stock in the umbrella, you won’t see it unless you drain the water and try to spin it, and it was only spinning one way, I asked why, then started examining it, and saw the small metal item, it was thin and sharp, once I pulled it out, the umbrella was spinning freely both ways, then I started the machine and it worked beautifully! Bingo! Thank you for your video!!!❤


Great help, thanks - and thanks also to your wife for the loan of the tooth brush. 👍


I watched a few videos about cleaning dishwashers. This one is the most thorough and very helpful. It contains advice that the others don’t even mention. Thanks.


The impeller check solved my E24 error. I did this once before maybe 2 years ago, but couldn't remember how to do it again. This worked perfectly. Thanks!


I paid 200, 00 !!!
Thank you so much!
Hugs and kissies from Portugal.


When you so serene and coolheaded said just use your partner’s toothbrush AGAIN 🤣🤣 I just forgot I have a dirty smelly dishwasher to get to 😂🤣👍🏼👍🏼 Thank you not just for the great tips but for the high spirit and humour! My partners toothbrush was something I did not know I badly needed!😂👍🏼😇


thanks i have watched several of your videos. just bought apt, very nice Bosch appliances. However, i think tenants who rented before i bought it never cleaned dishwasher and washer/dryer. Unfortunately they were left damp and closed up for ~ 3 months 😳😳😳😖. Thank you for showing me how to clean them up!! i gave a 👍🏻 and subbed. 🙏🏻🇺🇸


I have cleaned my dishwasher by watching your video. Thank you


hilarious! Finding this was like finding the best defensive driving teacher! Kudos!


Hahaha partner's toothbrush!... great instructions and fun to watch, awesome teaching skills, Thank you!


Thanks for the video. I decided to follow your instructions for my Bosch dishwasher. After using it for 18 months (and I don't know how it was maintained by previous owner), I was shocked that the filter had no debris on it. I filled the salt container at the same time. I didn't dare try other suggestions on your video just in case I broke something.


This was such a good & clear & concise step-by-step (and humorous) video. Followed every step. Didn't solve my problem (not my drainage pipes either - those are all clear too), but who knew about that little propeller thingy stuck down at the back of the filter?! Now the blo*dy thing is showroom clean, it's gotta be a technical problem, and it's not even a year old! I hate high tech computery gadgets (Bosch Series 4) - somehow they all just end up blinking and passively swearing at me! Thank you so much for putting this together. Much appreciated. Will go check out some of your other videos a bit later.


you've made is so simple with very easy instructions to follow. LOVE you sense of humor as well!!


I really appreciate how thorough this is. Thank you for your help!


Thanks for your valuable video! I just got a second hand Bosch Series 2 dishwasher which didn't come with any maintenance instructions so I was very pleased to find your video. It helped confidently take it apart and clean it, although I used white vinegar instead of soap on a friend's recommendation.


You are hysterical ! Spouse's toothbrush 🪥!!😅😅😅. I always rinse off my dishes as well, before loading them into the dishwasher. I couldn't believe how much gunk was on your filter since you said you pre rinse too. I'm almost afraid to look at mine now! 😆


It's amazing how much your wife or partners toothbrush can clean stuff. I clean everything with one. Amazing.


Thank you so much! I had no idea getting the washer arms off would be so easy! Thank you!
