How Can I Find God's Love in My Grief?

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Finding God's love in her grief is what artist Jenedy Paige illustrates with a painting concept that came to her heart after her son passed away. She conveys what faith in God means to her.

"My name is Jenedy and I'm an artist, and a mother, and an athlete. Twelve years ago when my son passed away, there was this concept for a painting that came into my heart and I've waited 12 years to actually bring it to the canvas and I want to tell you the story behind it. Ultimately, it brings us to the idea that God is there ready to catch us in all of our falls." —Jenedy Paige

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I wrestled with myself as to comment or not. I lost my son 3 years ago, my heart still aches every single day. I know my pain will remain raw until I draw my last breath. I commented because I saw the hands you painted, my son once told me he was thankful for his hands and the ability he had to draw whatever he set his mind to draw. He was a gifted artist, he left behind so many lovely drawings that adorn my walls. Thank you for painting hands. I pray you continue to have sweet and beautiful memories of your son.


It was such a pleasure and an honor to meet Jennedy in her studio while she was painting. She put her brush down and spoke with me for almost an hour. She listened to my grief story about the deaths of 7 of my 8 siblings and my mother. She is a wonderful and faithful person. I feel very grateful for the angels God brings into our lives. She was the hands that day when I was the sparrow.


I remember as a 12 year old being neighbors with Jenedy when that tragedy happened. I got to spend some time with their family following the loss of their son, and I’ve always been so amazed by their faith in the midst of heartbreak. Such an inspiring message!


So absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your testimony and your story.


Thank you. I've lost two sons and my wife of 53 years has just passed . . . He is always there to catch us, and remind us of where we are going. Thank you again.


Oh wow. And I love the symbolism of the bird falling from a place of dark and shadow into light. Thank you for sharing your story of faith.


This so touches my soul. We'll done you exceptional Daughter.


I just wanted to say thank you for distributing food. We are struggling and I read on the label that it was distributed by your church. Thank you so much.


What a beautiful and vulnerable testimony. I am in awe of the strength of this Saint.


I'm so impressed at the ability people have to give themselves to the healing light of Jesus Christ. Jenedy is a beautiful example of how to let the pain work to bring a higher good as we focus faith in Him. Jenedy, I'm so sorry for your loss but equally in awe of the healing gift, now magnified, and radiating to heal and bless others. That's the miracle!


Your message was an answer to my prayers. Today you were His hands❤Thank you!


Only our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ can turn such horrible tragedy into immense beauty and eternal joy. They are the supreme Creators, turning chaotic darkness into beautiful, bright order.


This is such a beautiful story, I really enjoy her paintings a lot and I love them all. God does everything to the people and he wants us to have an abundant life.


This was heaven sent for me. We just suffered a miscarriage after 12 years of infertility and I've not been taking it well. Thank you for such a meaningful message


I lost a little girl at birth. She would be 46 now. I know your loss and your pain. You know you will be with your son again, and your painting is so beautiful, so touching, it really affected me. I am so grateful for this reminder that our brother does catch us and is always with us. Amen 🙏🏼 ❤


Thank you for sharing.

When I was 4 years old I was drowning in a lake. My mother fainted and I was drowning. A 12 year old girl on her way to school jumped in the lake and saved me. I'm 66 now.

Being in the lake is my earliest memory of life and it seemed like I was slipping peacefully asleep.

Words for you are superfluous, but thank you. You are an amazing artist, an inspired mother and an exemplary disciple of Christ


My sister lost her 3 year old after the swimming pools I miss him so much but he visits and he's lucky lol and I envy where he is now. Thankful for mortality as apart of his perfect plan for us and I trust he knows what he up too even when I can't see


I love this family so much. I’ve seen them grow through their grief. I have admired them and leaned on them during my grief. I am grateful to call them friends. I am grateful their story is being shared more broadly. It needs to be. It’s heartbreaking, inspiring and heartwarming, and healing.


What an incredibly beautiful painting and beautiful sentiment. I know it’s in no way comparable to losing a child but I had to put my dog down of 15 years just a few months ago. I loved him and cared for him through diabetes and many other illnesses and I would like to think that like a fallen sparrow, our furry friends also fall into his loving hands when they pass.


My cousin-in-law said it best when she told me that grief doesn't really go away. You just learn to live with a hole in your heart. We lost my dad to covid on Christmas Eve 2020. Six months prior, my maternal grandpa was called home after battling cancer for over a year. While we could see my grandpa's decline and had time to send him off with all our extended family, my dad getting so ill was a shock. The hospital staff wouldn't let us in to his room to hold his hand or anything. We were lucky we were even allowed on the ICU floor to see him through the glass. Grief is a daily struggle, but the tender mercies of the Lord keep us going.
