How to Play Santeria by Sublime - Guitar Lesson

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Did you enjoy this song tutorial on how to play Santeria by Sublime? Let me hear your feedback below in the comment section.

See you in the next lesson!

Keep up the practice.




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Thanks for stopping by and watching this guitar lesson! If you liked it let me hear your comments below. Thanks for all the love and support my friends! More videos coming soon PLUS a big announcement for the month of December! e :)


hey, thank you for helping me with this song! i have a school project where i need to learn a song, and santaria by sublime is a song which is rocking my playlist! I am a 13 year old boy from norway and i am a skateboarder and i gerw up with the guitar. I would like to thank you for haveing a clear tutorial of how to play and not one like the other crappy ones! keep up the god


When I first started looking for a guitar instructor online I came across your beginner course, even before I even held a guitar in my hand. I knew I could learn from you. I really dig what you are doing here. Too bad I didn't know you when I was younger, Cuz your advice about not trusting the man woulda been keen to me back then. I trusted the man, and it didn't end well for me, so you were right brother! I leave you with this my friend:
When it comes to learning guitar online from an instructor, you are simply the best. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes above all the rest. Your styles are so smooth, and uncanny, that they can't be daunted by time or age. Your licks and noodling are so sleek thus you were crowned THE GUITAR SAGE! #GODBLESS


Your sense of humor, your phylosophical statements and the way you approach guitar-playing make you a real sage. I enjoyed every second of this lesson.


Love Sublime. Happy to hear you like them too. Someone posted a bunch of videos from their concerts here in Vegas when The Huntridge Theater was still open back in the 90s when Sublime used to play there and my kids couldn't believe it when they saw me in the videos on the side of the stage with them. I didn't know my kids knew of Sublime, they didn't know Brad was my friend. Lots of emotions and memories. I was at his wedding too. I try to forget he's really gone and just try to think he's still living it up in Cali and that I just moved too far away to see him anymore. But knowing there's no more new music being recorded by him is what hits me and everyone else.


Thanks for the lesson. Makes me wish I'd heard of Sublime at some point. But this 66 year old guitar novice never heard Santeria or of the band Sublime. Regardless, I enjoy hearing and learning the techniques and tricks. I'll surely get even more excited when you teach some '60s rock or '80s country. I especially enjoyed the chord transition bass line walking tips. Glad to be a UGS subscriber so I can get more details on all your tips. Thanks!


As always Erich, your videos are a hoot to watch cause you have such a good time doing them. You do such a great job of breaking down the song to where it's very understandable. Keep it up my friend.


Dude great lesson. Learned this song so easily with you.


Good practice for Barre chords!!! I usually watch these with my guitar in hand but I had to pawn the guitar this week with all the christmas gifts and bills making things tight. I still love watching your guitar lesson videos though! I'll definitely learn this song at the end of the week when I get my guitar back 🤘 Love what you are doing my friend. Peace ✌️


Love the singing Eric!
Been watching you for a long time and I can proudly say you are one of the reasons I can play the guitar.
Thanks a lot!


I love this song! Thank you @YourGuitarSage for another great video! I can Always count on you.


Great lesson as always, keep them coming, Eric .


You're actually quite decent and have some talent;
you'll be as good as Lil Wayne in no time.


Sou Brasileiro, não entendi muito oq ele disse mas é top a aula ! Parece ser um ótimo professor 👏👏


Very helpful I'd go into further detail about exactly what your doing and what notes your playing but it's pretty easy to follow with the rewind you mentioned 😂 thanks alot tho


I'm not too keen on this song, but I love the way you teach. Helps me a lot. Thanks Eric.


You decide
I DO NOT HAVE A GUITAR but I purchased your Complete Guitar System you had on SPECIAL anyway. I am not in a financial position to purchase a guitar but I was being Proactive so that when I am able to get (OR WIN) a guitar I will be ready to start learning right from the get-go with the best online teacher--Yes Erich you. I love watching your videos and learning from them even though I don't have a guitar yet. Please Erich you have the ability to make me a very grateful and happy person. I COULD REALLY MAKE GOOD USE OF THAT EPIPHONE GUITAR and your UNSTOPPABLE GUITAR SYSTEM!!! I am trying to recover from a surgery that went very wrong leaving me with paralysis in my left leg. I believe that MUSIC IS A GREAT HEALER so I would be extremely grateful if you choose me as one of the WINNERS. Learning to play the guitar would very much help me by taking my mind off what has happened and letting me focus on my dream of learning to play the guitar. Best Wishes and Happy Holidays to you and your family--that includes your pets as they are definitely part of the family.
Hope to hear from you real soon with some great Thanks for all you do.


Awesome I love 💘💘💘💘 great video thank you my


Don't really know sublime but great tutorial anyway Erich.


Erich, could you do a video on Tiger Feet by Mud or Ride A White Swan by T. Rex?
