Bandai Star Wars Movie Realization Ronin Jango Fett

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Really like jango!. I have this one as well. I like the pistols, really nice!. 10 hands is also especially good. The only thing that I wish these guys with the jet packs -Are some Flame effects for the rocket thrusters!. Missing those!. But overall he’s a great Figure!. Awesome figure/ review, thanks so much for sharing these figures, I really appreciate it. Cheers !.


They need ton make a legit movie adaptation of these amazing figures. The closest we have that I know of is Star Wars Visions. Why they haven’t yet is beyond me, these and the art style is FANTASTIC.


Just stumbled into this brand and figures...had a small shopping spree I must admit. Love the design with the samurai type armor. So so cool!


I got a few of these figures recently, two for Christmas and another as a late Christmas gift. I love them. I can’t even decide which one is my favorite! It’s a shame that I found out about them kind of late though because a lot of them are super hard to find if you want an authentic one and now they’re usually sold for more than the retail price which kind of bothers me. I found these videos of yours recently covering these when I found out about these figures and I like the calm style of these reviews. And another thing, yeah unfortunately the flintlock pegs fell out of Jango’s guns and now I don’t even know where they are. I still enjoying messing with his poses though. I wish I had all of these, they’re very nice to look at


wow! i love this Jango. gonna order this ASAP!


Jar Jar Binks Taikomochi (male gheisha) needs to be made!


the short sword called wakizashi if im not mistaken.. and im just starting collects this line, only have the first darth vader atm gonna hunt the rest soon. nice vid mate! subscribed :)


Idk I just like the metal finish on the armor so much more than boba and this bad boy is more affordable.


Yeah, pretty nice and much prefer the paint scheme to the rather odd pale green/aqua of the Boba Fett model, but do prefer the flintlock rifle that comes with Boba Fett. Still don't like the rocket pack which just sticks into the back and looks totally out of place with the Samurai era style. They should have replaced it with a grappling hook and make the jet pack a satchel containing the rope!


If they ever made light side characters, would they make them ninjas? Imagine a ninja Luke with a green katana!


Great review thanks. Other than recent releases jango, maul and shadow, do you know what other figures are scheduled? I've heard rumours but wondered if you knew about actual upcoming releases. Thanks again.


Have this on pre order . Still like the figure but you have made me think twice. lol


I fail to understand the usage of the forest green on this guy.


I'm in the market for one of these Mold, can I ask just how tall these figures are? Do they stand at 6" or 7"? My goal is to put them with my Mythic Legions Knight figures. Do you know if it will work? Also, which of the three do you enjoy best? Sounded like Jango is your less favorite out of the three? :) Oh almost forget to ask you, does all three of them share the same amount of accessories?
