tony robbins.5 keys to living your best post

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tony robbins.5 keys to living your best post2022 Frustration can kill dreams. It can change
a positive attitude into a negative one, an empowering state into a crippling one. Look
at almost any great success, and you’ll find there’s been massive frustration along the way. All successful people know to plow through roadblocks, using each setback as a learning experience.
Key #2: You must learn how to handle rejection.
Is there anything in the human language
that stings more than “no?” How often have you decided not to try for a position at your company, make a sales call, or take an audition because you didn’t want to be rejected? There are no real successes without rejection. The more rejection you get, the better you are, the more you’ve learned, and the closer you are to your outcome.
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