Working to Scale a Circular Economy

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Dec.11 -- Garry Cooper, co-founder and chief executive officer of Rheaply Inc., discusses winning Revolution’s Rise of the Rest Road Trip with Steve Case. Cooper talks about how his company provides tech to help small businesses use recycled office supplies, keeping them out of landfills. Cooper speaks with Bloomberg's Emily Chang.
Working to Scale a Circular Economy
Scale Up the Circular Economy - Great Talk with Legendary Computer Scientist Alan Kay | Summit 2019
Explaining the Circular Economy and How Society Can Re-think Progress | Animated Video Essay
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The business models that make the circular economy work | The Circular Economy Show Highlights
Five universal policy goals to enable a circular economy at scale | Circular Economy Show Episode 23
Circular Agriculture at Small Scale: An Open Lab | DIF
BK Talks: Scale Matters: In transition to a Circular Built Environment
Circular Design to Scale Lasting Change
How Can Businesses Scale Up the Circular Economy? | Ioannis Ioannou
Time to act on climate change: we need a circular economy
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ALL IN Eats: Continuing the Collaboration to Scale Our Circular Food Economy - June
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How to run a profitable small farm | Circular food systems in East Africa 3/5
How can the fashion industry scale circular solutions? | Summit 23