I tried being a dad for 30 days

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Hi there 👋 If you're new to my videos my name is Matt D'Avella. I'm a documentary filmmaker, entrepreneur and YouTuber. I've made a couple documentaries for Netflix. I also teach courses on everything from filmmaking to habit change. If you like to nerd out about self-development as much as I do, you can subscribe for weekly videos.
Jordan Peterson - A Good Father Helps You to Become Your Best Self
10 Ways To Be A Better Dad
Bronny trying to be like his dad 😂
What Makes a Real Dad || STEVE HARVEY
Bill Burr On Being A New Dad | CONAN on TBS
How to DAD | Jordan Watson | TEDxChristchurch
What I've learned being a stay at home dad | Glen Henry | TEDxMidAtlantic
How being a dad affects your success
The Problem of Being a Father
What Makes a Great Father? | Mark Trahan | TEDxTexasStateUniversity
Girl Visits Disabled Child Every Day & Entertains Her!Unware Her Dad Is CEO & Fell In Love W...
That Moment You Become a Teen Father
Toddler Puts Arms up as Dad Is Arrested
What Every Son Needs From His Father
What Does it Mean to be a Dad? | The Fatherhood Project
Dad with dementia doesn't remember daughter but still feels the love
Co-workers for two years discover they're father and son
My Dad Disowned Me Because Of My TikTok
GUESS THE DAD *Emotional*
The Father Wound | Otto Kelly | TEDxCarsonCity
My First Week As A Father
And so I decided to become the world's best dad | Hermann Jónsson | TEDxReykjavik
New Dad Tips When Bringing The Baby Home From The Hospital | Dad University
I WASN'T RAISED A QUITTER - A Tribute to Dad | Former NBA Athlete Walter Bond Motivational Spee...