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ZZ PLANT PROPAGATION WITH RESULTS (ZAMIOCULCAS ZAMIIFOLIA) | Leaf And Stem Cuttings. I hope you enjoyed this video and stick around for more!
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This is, by far, the best video on ZZ propagation that I've seen, and I watched quite a few. I'd be surprised if anyone has any questions....don't think you missed anything 😊.
I propagated leaves from a stem that broke off (hence the search last year on what to do with it). I had about a dozen leaves, plopped them in water and five survived.
But I didn't know I could have left them in after they rotted and the rhizome still may have formed. I did throw those out.
I wish I had kept a time frame but I have nice green shoots growing now from those I planted. It took four or five months after planting but then all of a sudden they just took off.
The original leaves are still there and still nice and green. Don't know what function they are serving but they haven't died off yet.
And you are right about the odd/no growth have several pots of ZZs and they are all sprouting new shoots in January and February here in freezing Chicago.
To make a long story even longer, after watching your video, I'm inspired to chop a stem or two. This is such a long process but so satisfying to succeed!


I had a rescue plant from my building and I found one of these rhizomes in the soil of a different kind of plant. I had no idea what it was, so I planted it in a small Tera cotta pot and months later it finally started to grow, it took a while and I only recently figured out it was one of these zz plants. So glad I took my time With the little random potato I found in that plant. Too little to propagate but nice to know I can. Thanks for the demo


Interesting. I have ZZs but didn’t know a rhizomatic plant would prop from stem cuttings. You learn something new everyday. 😊
Thanks Jeff.


Thank you so much for this video, and I really appreciate the comments, too. I have been wanting a Raven ZZ for a long time, but could not justify the price. I received a 2 leaf cutting when I purchased another plant and put it in water. It rooted in 2 months, and I potted it up in a mix of 1/2 potting soil and 1/2 Jack's Gritty Mix in a 2" terra cotta pot. The 2 leaves have shriveled, but they are still there. I was about to chuck it. Thanks to this video and all of the comments, I will be patient and see what happens. Thank you!


I am such a sucker for propagation videos! Thanks for the vid, so interesting!


I had a raven single stem and rooted it for n water at least a three years ago. Just realised today it has grown a big potato sized rhizome filling the pot and six little shoots under the surface 😮
Patience really has finally paid off.


My ZZ was in a 4in pot & the rhizomes ( which I wasn't familiar with the name until now lol) was showing thru so I repotted it a month ago. Interesting to hear ur ZZ growing now because my sanseviiera seem to grow only when cooler weather is upon us. Its amazing how much growth in just wks. I only been into plants for 2 yrs now & ur channel helps my learning of these remarkable, amazing beauties. Nature is really amazing to me. Thank U


i butcher a big one that i bought and put them on water, it's been like 1 month and a half and roots started to come out. Thanks for the tips, i will use cactus potting mix on few of them, i am learning and am really exited!


So glad I found this video! Earlier in the day I found out about 3 of my Raven ZZs Rhizomes were complete mush and so I repotted in new soil... BUT I almost threw away a bunch of plant that I'm now going to try and propagate. Excited to see what'll happen. Thanks! 🎉
Cheers from 🇨🇦


This is so interesting. Always wanted to know how proprigate the ZZ plants. Love your videos


I LOVE THIS VIDEO! A couple of months ago a stem came out of the soil. I just put it into water not knowing anything. Roots grew and I replaced it. All is well 😍. I have 5 new stems coming as well. It did nothing over the Summer and now a huge growth spurt.🤩😍. Thank you again 💞


Brilliant thoughtful instruction. Am about to propagate my raven I bought a few months and was looking for someone who the hadperfect amount of experience and know how to help me do it. Thanks so much.


I already have a green ZZ plant and a black raven I just purchased a 2 leaf cutting of a variegated ZZ plant and I'm glad that I stumbled on this video very detailed lots of information because I didn't know what to expect When I put The leaf cutting in water Thank you For uploading this video😁💗


My favorite! My large green ZZ I’ve had for a few years will need repotting in the spring. It was a nice medium size when I bought it and seemed easy and happy however I had a lot of dark sort of purplish spotting on the large stems, possibly from too much light??? I moved it from NE to NW corner window and then I noticed a couple smaller branches turned yellow. I only water about once a month so IDK…I left it alone and now I see 2 new baby shoots coming 💚 Oops make that 3 👍I water once a month on the first so it’s almost time 🤞MY Raven I purchased on 2/15/20 at HDepot a Costa farm plant planted in what looked like pure peat moss. I resisted the urge to repot until late this past summer and gave it some new soil and a terracotta pot. So far nothing is happening except for a tiny stem broke off that I put in water. I think the growth habit is slow just like the propagation. Funny thing is somehow I ended up with a tiny bulb and I wasn’t even sure what it was but I put it in a 2” pot and I think it’s a tiny green zz. I loved this video I’ll watch it again.


This is the best video I've seen to date on ZZ plant propagation. Thank you! You have a new subscriber. ☺️


Very interesting video. I didn’t realize my plant was not getting enough light. It is quite leggy. Great information Jeff.


Perfect timing, as a friend is giving me a ZZ cutting this week. She will be trimming her overgrown plant and planned to throw the branch away! Noooo! I will rescue it and experiment with the cuttings.


I propagate my Raven and regular zz this summer using both methods you use they are doing good.Happy growing and stay safe.


Wow. This was really interesting! Those leaf cuttings were amazing! Not what I expected!
I love your videos. I learn so much💚🪴


Such an awesome vid, I got my raven zz about 1.5 years ago, and I think it's time I propagate it for more plants. Great explanations that I needed as a novice to gardening and the like. Appreciate it much!! Very informative!! I may try both ways :) Thank you!!!
