I Spent $400 on CRAZY Make It Mini Mystery Boxes Miniverse Series 2

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💛💛Videos mentioned in today's episode:

Hi fellow grains! My name is Jackie and I love crafting geeky diys. I mainly do polymer clay tutorials, but I also do resin crafting, felt diys, and custom diy soap on my channel, but I love experimenting and having fun! Let's go on this diy crafting journey together ^_^ Remember to hashtag Nerdecrafter on Instagram if you make anything geeky. Also, if you share my videos, you automatically get love and sparkles (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

My gear:
- Face Camera: Lumix G95
- Desk Camera: Sony FDR-AX 100
- Elgato Stream Deck
- Logitec Brio 4k webcam
- MSI Laptop




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Just so you know Jackie, these all were series 2, wave 1! Series 2, wave 2 contains the hidden recipes. They're no longer grayed out in the paperwork, and the artwork on the front of the balls is different than wave 1 😊 So if the recipes are grayed out that means you can't get them unfortunately. The hot dog hidden recipe one is a yellow ballon dog with red ketchep resin ❤


I held off for soooo long and now I'm addicted to these! I've even started making my own poly clay foods, going to make dishes, started crocheting a blanket and even bought a doll to make clothes! You created a monster Jackie!


I would love to see you make a mini supermarket that goes with your mini kitchen!!!

I would also love to see you make more creations with your leftover and double-up mini-verse boxes. I'm sure you could come up with some seriously awesome ideas.


I find that mixing it in another container like a paper bowl or plate and then transferring it to the cup, bowl, etc is easier. That's how I did the Unicorn Popcorn and it turned out perfect without making a mess of the cute bowl.


The make it miniverse is one of my favorites to watch, harks back to your crafting roots and all the mini packaging & crafts are so frigging cute.


My husband and I are addicted to these now, we always open it in the car and pick a random bag to open so we can try and guess what it's gonna be on the ride home. The worst part is still the wrapping 😂


I love these so much 😭
For super Advanced level on that floaty one, you can actually just be super fast and bring your UV light and catch the resin while it has that drip or stream and then add resin onto it if necessary, but it does take some practice and you have to time it right


They’re soooo cute Jackie! I’m absolutely obsessed with your miniverse cafe and diner series!


I saw the bubble on the second hotdog and I was already thinking "Oh no! A bubble! Quick Jackie, pop it!" Lol glad you caught it, not sure how I would've felt if you missed it before the resin cured.


They are SO cute!! Although I have to admit when I saw the packaging on the hotdogs it reminded me of the sausage and fork mobile game you played on Raging Raccoon lol. The churro display was AMAZING!! Thank you SO much for truly going above and beyond not only teaching us how to level up what they provide, but most importantly inspiring us to think outside the box!! Love you!!!


I love the churros! I probably would have glued the 'extra' churros in place with resin, since there'd be some pooling of the chocolate anyway as a good excuse, and similarly would have had the chocolate spilling over the side of the cup to excuse there being some at the base. Which also would make sense, someone went to town with that floating churro!

I do think the first slushie is my favorite though, as soon as I saw the crushed ice my mind went to a snocone but a slushie is a good second place for a summer treat. And I like how you can get so much texture with just tiny beads and semi-transparent resin!


Seeing Jackie happy get the product she wanted makes me happy too ! Also my favorite was the hotdog too 🌭😌


Would be great to see a display of all the mini foods you have after you're done with the series (or if they keep releasing new ones, just do the ones you already have)


Love them all! You're hilarious to watch. Looking forward to the next ones.


Jackie, the hidden items on the collector's guide aren't available in this wave. They have a second wave and that's where you'll find the ones that are grayed out.


I Love your videos Jackie
I like when you make Make it mini foods videos❤❤


Is it me or are these Miniverse sets ADDICTIVE??? It's like being in Las Vegas always hoping for that big win, right? However, it really is fun to collect and satisfyingly exciting when you get the most sought after piece. I think MGA hit the mark on these products, especially since we can create the items ourselves. There really aren't any rules...you can use different items from different sets to create your own, individual masterpieces. Thanks very much for providing these videos! :o)


Jackie I just found you on YouTube and have enjoyed your videos immensely. I love your energy, your sense of humor and the way you just go for it. Today was a trying day. I tuned into this video and you made it all better. You turned tears to laughter. Keep doing what your doing!


Resin tip: Place the bottle for a few seconds in HOT water. The warming of the resin will make it more flowable. LOVE your videos!!


I've only bought one of these...so far, and it was the unicorn popcorn! I had a blast painstakingly placing each individual kernel. XD
