JW Francis – John, Take Me With You (Official Music Video)

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Music produced and mixed by Sahil Ansari

Director – Emma Fernandez
Camera Operator – Maine Curtis
Art Department – Keenan Taw

Non Skater Couple – Lia Sachs and Bella Coles
Skater Couple – Jae Cooper and Anna Giani
Skaters – Percy Simms, Maine Curtis, Tammy Piravej, Nekhebet Juch

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Рекомендации по теме

2021: a sad song
2023: g a r f i e l d


Glad to hear people learning of this song, it is one of my favorites and its good to see it getting more popular, even if its from a Garfield animation


I came here from a really good Garfield animation because i lived the song so i came to get the whole song and holy. I love this every bit about it. The video the beat the voice. Damn its good much better then what i thought it would be. As unnoticed by society as this is truly wish you find your well deserved fame in the future.


This song is like a little memorial to my father. His name was Jonathan, and that first verse hits really hard after his death. He had leukemia, and even had a bone marrow transplant. He loved playing guitar, and had his own band. He killed himself in his lowest moment, thinking my mother, me, and my brothers didn’t love him. He taught me a lot, at his best and worst, and I will always love him. I know my family does and will too. I just wish we could’ve changed what happened, I miss him. The fact this song is amazing definitely helps.


this song feels like an ode to a very dear friend, a comfort person, someone truly special that makes you feel uniquely safe and grounded, but that person is either drifting away from you or just not prioritizing you, and you don't know what to do, you're lost and without a choice, so you call out to them because it's what's left
it doesn't work, because they're an individual person with their own needs, responsibilities and the like, so you just truck along, respect their space and try to handle yourself, which may or may not work, but one thing is sure, you'll be there when they need you


I am infinitely happy that this is a full song and not just 50 seconds


A cute Garfield Animation brought me here, and now I listen to this song all the time. It feels like a blessing to my ears! I just love your voice and the way you sing, “Take me with


It’s like it’s appealing to emotions I don’t know I’ll feel yet. And I love it


Just came here from the Garfield animation. (I hope it draws more people to this song.) The song is underrated. Like idk how to explain the vibes. Its just wholesome!




If only you knew how much Garfield needs you John


John, take me away
Gone, I'm done with the day
I know the feeling
I really do
The ground is sinking right under you
Oh, John
Take me with you
Oh, John
Take me with you, ooh
John, I need a plan
John, I need a plan
I'm getting antsy
I hear the call
I hear the writing
That's on the wall
Oh John, take me with you
Oh, John, take me with you
Saw your lover
Is that your type?
I won't see you when it's night
I call my mother
To feel all right
And I'm gone when I see you ride
Yeah, I'm gone when I see you ride
And I'm gone when I see you ride
Do you want your time alone?
You're the place I feel at home
I'll be roaming
I've got my phone
And you call when you feel all right
And you can call when you feel all right
And you can call when you feel all right


this song feels so nostalgic for some reason


Although I came here because of a Garfield animation, this sounds good. I’ve listened to some of the songs here, and it really reminds me of Jack Stauber.


Me watching my friend group slowly disappear after school:

OH, uh, btw.

just a reminder to you...

You aren't a burden.


This song is exactly what walks during summer vacation feels like
I think my soul just left my body I need a minute oh my god this is so pretty
I honestly felt like I was lifted up I haven't felt like this because of a song in god knows how long oh god
I love this I love this


stumbled across the garfield animation and had to click because i already knew about this beautiful little song. It’s silly to see how ppl are coming across his music and all i can say is give more of it a listen !! not only does he have a great sound but he’s an actual ray of sunshine as a person and one of the sweetest artists i’ve had the privilege to see live. Me and my best friend met him before his set opening for Mild High Club in SF (had to mention that his music means a lot to me yk) and both at that moment and during his set he was an absolute sweetheart and just brought probably the happiest energy i’ve ever seen an artist bring to a show. He was so chatty and giggly on stage that you couldn’t help but want to actively listen and laugh along even if you didn’t know who he was because it felt like everyone was just hanging out. You can just tell he’s happy to put smiles on peoples faces and it’s really somethin special. Apparently that show was the first time ppl put up phone flashlights for one of his songs and i just wanna say i hope that trend continued because you deserve all that love and more <3 thanks JW for being such a kind soul

(also he has a little poetry collection/audiobook album We Share A Similar Joy that are just so sweet and rlly worth a listen, i still cherish the physical copy to this day :] )


Love it, it has me dancing but feeling melancholic at the same time. When a song can do that it's a gold star in my book.


I was brought here by a certain orange cat...the vibes are immaculate


This song is about having only one friend but that friend finds someone they romantically love and spends more time with them than you. I felt this
