Why Is Mozart Genius - Balance and Perfection (Part 2 of 2)

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This video looks at why Mozart is widely considered as a genius - the greatest musical genius to walk this Earth

Musical examples used include:
Mozart - Piano Concerto no. 23, 2nd movement adagio
Mozart - Symphony no. 40
Mozart - Overture to The Marriage of Figaro
Mozart - Finale to The Marriage of Figaro
Mozart - Overture to Don Giovanni
Mozart - Queen of the Night Aria, from The Magic Flute
Mozart - Kyrie from the Great Mass in C minor

Thanks for watching, as always!
Рекомендации по теме

"Mozart is the incarnation of music."
Joseph Haydn

"If we cannot write with the beauty of Mozart, let us at least try to write with his purity."
"The fact that most people do not understand and respect the very best things, such as Mozart's concertos, is what permits men like us to become famous."
Johannes Brahms

"I have always reckoned myself among the greatest admirers of Mozart, and shall do so till the day of my death."
Ludwig van Beethoven

"Mozart is sweet sunshine."
Antonin Dvorak

"Oh Mozart, immortal Mozart, how many, how infinitely many inspiring suggestions of a finer, better life you have left in our souls!"
Franz Schubert

"Does it not seem as if Mozart's works become fresher and fresher the oftener we hear them?"
Robert Schumann

"Mozart is the highest, the culminating point that beauty has attained in the sphere of music."
"Mozart is the musical Christ."
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

"Give Mozart a fairy tale and he creates without effort an immortal masterpiece."
Camille Saint-Saens

"Mozart's music is particularly difficult to perform. His admirable clarity exacts absolute cleanness: the slightest mistake in it stands out like black on white. It is music in which all the notes must be heard."
Gabriel Faure

"I believe in God, Mozart, and Beethoven."
"Certain things in Mozart will and can never be excelled."
"The most tremendous genius raised Mozart above all masters, in all centuries and in all the arts."
Richard Wagner

"The most perfect melodic shapes are found in Mozart; he has the lightness of touch which is the true objective ... Listen to the remarkable expansion of a Mozart melody, to Cherubino's 'Voi che sapete', for instance. You think it is coming to an end, but it goes farther, even farther."
Richard Strauss

"I owe very, very much to Mozart; and if one studies, for instance, the way in which I write for string quartet, then one cannot deny that I have learned this directly from Mozart. And I am proud of it!"
Arnold Schoenberg

"Play Mozart in memory of me."
"Mozart encompasses the entire domain of musical creation, but I've got only the keyboard in my poor head."
Frederic Chopin

"In Bach, Beethoven and Wagner we admire principally the depth and energy of the human mind; in Mozart, the divine instinct."
Edvard Grieg

"Beethoven I take twice a week, Haydn four times, and Mozart every day."
"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the only musician who had as much knowledge as genius, and as much genius as knowledge."
Gioachino Rossini

"Mozart, prodigal heaven gave thee everything, grace and strength, abundance and moderation, perfect equilibrium."
Charles Gounod


Mozart is such a tricky composer for a performer. His music sounds simple and easy to follow to the listener, but is nasty in its intricacy and touch required by the performer. It's wonderful in that way.


One thing I've noticed when learning or practicing Mozart is that individual phrases are so perfect they sound good no matter how fast or slow you play them. You can't make them sound bad.


Can you please do similar videos about Beethoven, Bach and Chopin?


As much as Mozart was a gift to humanity, we were robbed when he died too early.


The only composer really, that gets me sobbing uncontrollably. Others will get me to feel deeply, give me goosebumps maybe, but Mozart is the only one the cuts right through all my defenses....


Having performed his Requiem at least 4 or 5 times as member of a city symphony chorus, I can think of nothing more beautiful will ever be written. Lacrimosa is my favorite movement, bringing with it memories of parents, friends, and loves who are now a permanent part of my past.


I'm unable to conduct a conversation while listening to Mozart. It's as though God is saying, "Shut up and pay attention to this or something bad will happen!!" Brilliant video! Thank you so much!!


Piano Concerto #23 almost had me crying, wow


I will not pretend to know music, but Mozart opens up emotions in people that are unknowingly suppressed. I always cry whenever I hear his music. It gives you a sense of longing then it all gushes when you hear the crescendo. Mozart's music is addictive.


dude i nearly cried watching this, i think often the best way to appreciate classical music, or any form of art, is to think to your self what kind of emotions your getting from it, and you explaining it with such passion was amazing


"Beethoven's music is Beethoven speaking to God. Mozart's music is God speaking to Mozart."
- Anonymous


I was a relative outsider to the world of classical music until I was commissioned by my university to write a modern supertitle translation for Mozart’s “La Finta Giardiniera”. I spent about a year with that score and by the end of it I understood the hype behind this guy. Even in one of his least known pieces every piece soared. How anybody could dislike Mozart is beyond me.


As a huge admirer of Mozart's music I don't have enough words to thank you. Your video proves undeniably the musical genius he was, and the tremendous lost was his early death. I did have the happiness of singing Mozart's choir works many times, includind his Requiem. Unforgetable!!
Greetings from Brasil


genius! that mozart piano concerto, numer 23 the second movement, when the orchestra responds, it's


I - at the age of 64 - just realise how little i did follow the geniuses in art in general. Mozart, Haydn, Bach, Händel, Beethoven and many more ... I just touched the surface like I did in poetry and painting.
Every work in art (and Mozart in particular) gives peace to my soul.
Thank you for this video !


He was probably the greatest romantic melody composer. His melodies are gorgeous sweeping climaxes. You can’t help it but almost sing along.


I love Hayden’s steady musical maturity while still retaining many elements of youthfulness In that his musical works were completed in full before his departure.. BACH stood and still stands as the point from which all greatness is measured. Mozart and Beethoven are two sides of a very large coin the edge of which is many great composers that came after. Mozart had a joyful if disciplined childhood Beethoven had a troubled childhood where music was his sanctuary. This is clearly borne out in their music. I sense Mozart was mourning the fact when he wrote Requiem that he was being dragged unceremoniously from the stage of life whereas Beethoven was having one of his most needed tools slowly removed from his possession (his hearing) but stubbornly refused to succumb to obscurity as a result and battled on to the last blow. Doubtless until real hardship is born on the backs of humanity for at least a century there will be no composers of compare to come!


I wish i could just have a word with him. Mozart was Gods gift to humanity.


The Kyrie of the Mass in C minor is just the most perfect, eternal piece of music ever conceived. For me, nothing comes even remotely close to it.
