Hosea knew it from the start

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#rdr2 #reddeadredemption #arthurmorgan
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i thought hosea was gonna say "arthur ur gonna die on a cliff telling dutch that you tried your best" and arthur was gonna be like "yeah whatever"


If you read chapter 0 (Blackwater) in Arthur's journal you realize Dutch has been doing the same thing over and over in a cycle. The game just starts when his behavior has caught up to the gang


Dutch killed innocent girl in Blackwater during failed robbery. I guess this is why Hosea warns Arthur


When replaying it you see that Hosea was the one keeping people together and Dutch was paranoid from the start.


After almost 275h of playing I finally heard Dutch reading a book to Oshea and Mary. He praised the idea of not finding peace but... spending time doing so. Finding for the sake of finding. Dutch is an outlaw, if he lead his gang to a promised land to grow mango or whatever... can you see him do that? No. He'd lost his way of life and, what's worse, his control over the gang. Being the gang leader defines him and he cannot lose it. So he sends people that trust him into wandering and robbing from place to place only to finally lose their trust and seeing them leave. Does he plea? No. Does he accept it? No. He calls them traitors as each team member loss is a lost piece of himself.


Still can't forget how amazed I was when I first started playing back in 2018. Probably the only game that made me feel like a child lost in a game


I think Hosea always sold himself short when it came to leadership potential instead of just being a chief advisor. If there was anyone that could’ve guided that group of impressionable and disillusioned misfits down a less destructive and more legitimately prosperous path, it was him.


Hosea: "Arthur, your balls will explode on October 16, 1899."

Arthur: "You have a kind lookin' face, mister."


It's not a mental decline. It's his ego. He's the kind of guy who didn't take losses well. So, when Blackwater fails, he figured the next one has to be twice as good, and if that one fails too, the next one has to be thrice as good and so on. Ultimately, these expectations began to pile on until it becomes insurmountable. So much so, that he NEEDS someone to constantly agreeing with him just so he didn't lost it completely. That's why Micah was able to influence Dutch so easily, even if he hates to admit it, Dutch needs Micah to keep being his little lapdog even if it means turning his back on his own "sons", since none of them are pushovers. Added the many deaths of gang members including Hosea, that should be enough to break a man or his facade.


It's curious how Dutch's selfishness begins to leak out more and more as the game goes on. A good example is when he, Hosea and Arthur have just finished fishing and Dutch says something in the lines of "Now I have a feeling that I... I mean we, are finally going to be okay"


Read this as “horse knew it from the start” and rewatched three times looking for the horse


this puts an end to the Trolley theory


He told Abigail something similar as early as Horseshoe overlook, told her to make plans and get out....


accidently skip to 0:05 and i get greeted with this demonic screech


I'm always in a rush to get off the mountain so I've never seen this dialogue happen before.


I feel like Red Dead Redemption is the only story simulator in the world. It's exceptionally linear, but it's so loaded with nuances, subtext, and details. After completing the game in 2019, I still see new scenes even after playing through it four times. This is good foreshadowing. Hosea's arc is tragic. He was dying of an unknown illness, his partner was losing his mind, and he had to allow himself to be consumed in the haze of it all. That's wisdom, a valuable thing. Hosea is all about that because no one in the gang could debase him because he was too essential to everyone's emotional well-being. When he couldn't fight anymore, he accepted that he was going to die in all scenarios. I'd bet that when Hosea, Dutch, and Arthur go fishing, Hosea's probably at his happiest point right there. Arthur inherited his sensitivity from Hosea. Hosea mirrors Arthur. Hosea died from a bullet. Arthur died from a disease. They both knew, but Hosea got a head start. Arthur is more critical of Dutch after Hosea dies. They both found ways of convincing themselves to stay under Gang's banner. They both suffer for it, but Arthur gets to save someone, and potentially right some of his wrongs. When John dies, honour amongst thieves is not legal tender. Civilization crushes him in the end, and when Edgar Ross was killed by Jack, nothing changed, because revenge became a fool's game, and Edgar Ross was shown to be no different from the gang. Duplicitous, cunning, Machiavellian, and cruel. His services were rewarded with fortune, riches, and medals. Dutch would say "You can't fight nature, you can't fight gravity", the speech given to both John and Arthur, but it doesn't matter who a man is, what he identifies as, or what he does. All men have the potential to step on who they need to in order to reach their destination because civilization is an entity. Civilization is every man, all needs, all wants, and all appetites. Red Dead is Breaking Bad to me as far as TV and video games go. I love seeing likeable and relatable characters who are inherently bad or evil. Seeing them continue to make mistakes, and demonstrate their incapacity for change is my favourite thing. It's allegorical. Tony Soprano-type stuff. To be reminded that criminals are human beings too, just insanely ducked up. I wish the gang would reunite, they're the real Backstreet Boys.


This game taught me 2 things in life

1 just because you and your friends think your smart and careful doesnt mean you look are anything more of a bunch of idiots pretending to be better that you are.

2 loyality is a currency that is naturally given and if someone heavily demands it you need to run because its not a currency that can be demanded.


Dutch was always crazy and the two head injuries he has later in the game only amplified what was already there.


Hosea clearly implies " dont take Poison just because Honey aint available "


John said it best in the epilogue: Dutch was just finally found out for the man he always was. He never wanted to change and put the gang through the same cycle of running and failed operations so it caught up to them. And when people started realizing it was going south quick, they jumped ship with the encouragement of Arthur.
