Watch: White House holds press briefing | NBC News

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Watch as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre holds a press briefing.

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Watch: White House holds press briefing | NBC News
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If they’re always so clear, why do they always constantly tell us how clear they’ve been. Obviously not.


“We’ve been very clear”.
No, You never are.


When is a reporter Going to ask "When your eye flutters is that your tell that you are lying"


What they want to cut Medicare or Medicare. And what cultural will it affect. I think it has already been cut. Especially the working class or retirees.


So the stake holders are in charge not the government...


"Stay tuned!" Could this be another way of saying that the administration has not yet figured out a response to cheap Chinese products imported through third countries like Mexico and Canada?🤔


Maybe the press is portraying president as not popular. Popularity is old school. Do What iS right. Lead the Nation stir us in the direction to make us all accomplished and accountable. ❤


I can tell you this i had to get a second job to make ends meet because my social security is below poverty slavery i worked 35 years as a laborer and 10 of those years i paid double tax as a self contractor and I only get paid 1058 a month and Congress gets paid a 180000 and I get penalized for working and the insurance as a crippled diabetic and sick never gave me a scooter or home health when I first got crippled because the doctors they decide your treatment and gave me 13 pills or ill die a don't take but two pills but they didn't give me a so i crawled with my elbows to the restroom but they gave me a prosthetic which my leg loosens i fell about 40 times last year hitting my head many times but even though i dont know whether i am coming or going i work as a home health provider for my sister but she died now my brother whose bed ridden i get paid for 3 to four hours a day but hes bed ridden so i have to change him and help him 24/7 just like i did my whole family and friends the last ten years i get paid 4 hrs a day working 24/7 like a lot of family providers what about people who dont have family members but Republicans and democrats each say they care about americans during trump i got a 28 dollar raise on social security and during biden a 34 but during trump i had money and as a Democrat during the i had to get a second job but immigrants are making more and im glad they are nott forgotten but Ukraine and Gaza and Taiwan and the world and the United Nations and world banks and Africa and wars get millions and billions and politician families get help with their education when i couldn't afford mine so i went to work and now im a slave with other Americans taxpayers and workers and grandchildren and people and im but one American who our government has abandoned and we elect the same slave masters and their children can somebody unplug the plug in the outlets so i can escape the collective and matrixs and turn off the TV because this Twilight zone is scarying me


Biden has new ideas? LOL! Thank you Biden for reiterating EVERYTHING Trump!🤣


😂❤😊 I love this story nice nice I love the American USA a pleasure alliance to the United States of America


Gaza Strip is made of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Lion's Den, The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Al-Qassam Brigades, Al-Quds Brigades, The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, The National Resistance Brigades!

There are 2 million Palestinians inside Gaza Strip, the majority voted for Hamas, the ones that did not vote for Hamas voted for one of the other terrorist groups. The Palestinians terrorist groups use women and children, they are not innocent civilians they are foot soldiers.

Mahmoud Abbas on 4/21/2021 shut the vote down because everyone was voting for Hamas, PLO/PNA was losing in Gaza strip and West Bank! So, Pro Palestinians supporters claiming Palestinian were too young to vote are wrong those Palestinian in Gaza Strip were voting in 2021 before Abbas stop it! Pro-Palestinian love engaging in history revision!

As long as there are terrorist, this war will never end!

The 2 State solution will not solve any problems in middle east nor will it bring any positive advantages or results for USA!


*_"Cheap_*_ products from China _*_create fewer choices_*_ for consumers, "_ said Katherine Tai. One would think that cheap products allow consumers to save money and spend on more items. From a consumer vantage point, high prices create fewer buying choices than affordable consumer goods. Cheap goods are not so bad, so Ms. Tai had to offer additional justification for restricting them. She tied them to China's desire to "dominate the supply chain" and global domination.🙂


As a presidential candidate, Biden's *criticism* of Trump's tariffs focused on their usage as a _tool_ rather than from a _tactical_ vantage point. Back then, he allegedly said that "consumers pay for tariffs." Katherine Tai now says this wasn't the case; she suggested *the opposite* was true. She slammed Trump's tariffs as "chaotic, emotional, and escalatory." Rather than *subsiding, * Chinese exports of "artificially cheap" goods *increased* following Trump's tariffs, and China's unfair "intellectual property transfers" and "cyber attacks" didn't end, according to Tai. Yet, despite this, Biden *_KEPT_* Trump's "failed" tariffs!🤦🏾‍♂


How do reporters let her get away with repeatedly lying or at the very least obfuscating?!


Ambassador Tai accused Beijing of subsidizing Chinese businesses to _"dominate"_ and create a _"culture of dependency"_ in the world. She added that the Chinese government was _"willing to _*_weaponize the dependencies_*_ it has created when a partner does _*_something it does not like_*_ politically."_ Didn't "Western" countries become *wealthy* through colonial aggression to "dominate" and "create a culture of dependency" around the world? Did that not include "subsidizing" businesses in their countries to give them a competitive edge?

What is "fair" about lower-income countries paying loans at much higher rates than higher-income nations? Doesn't that create a "culture of dependency"? Doesn't the United States *weaponize* the "dependency" on the dollar as a world reserve currency against countries "who do something it doesn't like politically"? How many countries has China sanctioned versus the United States?


*Karine Jean-Pierre:* _"If Hamas would let women, the wounded, and the elderly go, this_ [the war] _could _*_end today."_*

It's unclear how the "war would end *today"* when the administration is obsessed with *eliminating* Hamas. Karine's remark also contradicts her earlier one that there "are *multiple phases* and *elements* to the U.S. hostage deal" that "would lead to a ceasefire and hostage release." Wouldn't a deal that *directly* leads to a ceasefire and hostage release—like the one the world [and Hamas] has been calling for—be even better?


You're talking about beer to help people but you have a did anything yet what is going on with you all people need food stamps out here because we had a storm in Tallahassee and he still have a received anything from the government what is going on with you all it would be fair if you can help


According to *Katherine Tai, * people didn't have _"enough money to buy _*_face masks"_* during the pandemic because _"there weren't enough in the world to go around."_ What was she talking about?! People had plenty of options on face masks of varying qualities, from low to high prices. Furthermore, the government eventually issued "free" face masks to those who chose to.


When did the NBC News YouTube channel comments section become a MAGA Trump cult meetup?


Biden/Harris 💙✝️🙏🇺🇸 Thank you for championing a robust economy and advocating for our rights. My 401k is flourishing. 💙💙💙
