Digimon Adventure PSP - Walkthrough Episode 56 ~ A Digimon who Trains? Hackmon!

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Episode 56 of the story mode of Digimon Adventure for PSP. The beginning of the final crossover dungeon. Check the description under this to see the dialogue in english!

TRANSLATIONS (credit to Boukenda from Gamefaqs):
Taichi: Ugh.... uh....
Agumon: Taichi! Wake up! Hey Taichi!
Taichi: A... Agumon? You're here?
Agumon: Yep. I got here before you did and noticed when you dropped in.
Taichi: What about the others?
Agumon: Nope. We're the only ones.
Taichi: B-But that's impossible, we all went to Tokyo from the Digital World
Taichi: I should still be sleeping near the campfire, like always.
Agumon: So is this a dream then?
Taichi: A dream...? But if that's true, how can we both be having the same
Agumon: So then it's not a dream?
Agumon: W-Who's that?
Taichi: Whoever it is is coming closer.
Hackmon: Don't move!
Taichi: A Digimon! Who... are you?
Hackmon: That's my line! Now, what are you doing here?
Agumon: We're not suspicious! We just noticed we were here!
Hackmon: Is that so?
Hackmon: Hm, you guys are really strong!
Taichi: Wha-?
Hackmon: If you're that strong, why not have a duel?
Agumon: Y-You mean me?
Hackmon: Yes!
Agumon: T-Taichi...
Taichi: W-Wait a second! I don't think you should be so hasty.
Hackmon: I prefer you refer to me as Hackmon, not "you".
Taichi: Hackmon then.... why do you want to fight with Agumon?
Hackmon: Why? Because fighting strong guys gets my heart a pumpin'!
Hackmon: I don't know why I was brought here...
Hackmon: But I want to fight you!
Taichi: You were brought here?
Hackmon: Yes, I was doing some special training in the mountains before
coming here...
Hackmon: And when I opened your eyes, I was here!
Hackmon: I didn't see anything because I was drowsy at the time, so I though
someone must've been behind this.
Taichi: Someone planned this?
Agumon: !!
Taichi: What's wrong Agumon?
Agumon: I forgot to mention this...
Agumon: I got drowsy too, and I sensed someone was there before being
brought here.
Taichi: Wha- Why didn't you say anything?
Agumon: I thought it was just a dream.
Taichi: I guess it can't be helped...
Hackmon: In that case, we should stick together for now.
Agumon: Well, thanks!
Hackmon: No "thanks". I want a duel.
Agumon: Ah... yeah... Taichi?
Taichi: How about we look for an exit first?
Agumon: Yeah! We should do that first! Let's go look for it now!
Hackmon: Hmmm....
Agumon: Something the matter?
Hackmon: Some people might leave when out of trouble.
Hackmon: Are you really allies?
Hackmon: Because allies help each other right?
Taichi: What about it?
Hackmon: Well if you return...
Hackmon: Very well! After we get out I'll show you my strength!
Taichi: Well... I guess that's fine.
Agumon: I'm a bit worried...

Hackmon: Say Taichi, you're not a digimon right?
Taichi: Right. I come from the real world to visit to Digital World.
Hackmon: Why did you leave the real world?
Taichi: Well I couldn't go back to my own world for sometime, for various
Agumon: Hey Hackmon, what do you normally do?
Hackmon: I train to get stronger!
Taichi: That's it?
Hackmon: Yep! I want to fulfill my dream!
Agumon: What's that?
Hackmon: Ehehehe, that's a secret!
Agumon: Tch... scrooge.

Agumon: Look! The exit!
Hackmon: It's true!
Taichi: So we can leave now?
Hackmon: Say Agumon, come back some time.
Agumon: Say what?
Hackmon: I always fight someone I meet.
Agumon: Wha- Are you serious?
Hackmon: Absolutely! It's all to become stronger!
Taichi: Hahaha... looks like we'll have to watch ourselves.
Agumon: What are you saying, Taichi...
Taichi: Well, ciao, Hackmon!
Hackmon: Bye! Good luck!

Digimon Adventure PSP
Release Date: January 17, 2013
Рекомендации по теме

Who thought hackmon here come to digimon tri later?
