Kelly Clarkson's 'Shame' Might Have Kevin Costner To Blame

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Graeme O'Neil considers the possibility that Kevin Costner might have been the celebrity that Kelly Clarkson says "shamed" her over her divorce.
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This is confirmation! I felt like it was Kevin when she first said it, and then googled it and found this video where you actually did the footwork I was about to do! Thank you for doing the research! It is absolutely Kevin and that’s sad. You can see the disappointment in her eyes. That really hurt her. This is why you don’t meet your heroes! (Unless your hero is Kelly Clarkson or Celine Dion! Met them both and they are EXACTLY the way you would expect them to be; kind


I no longer feel guilty for what I said to Kevin Costner to his face at the South Dakota Film Festival in 2009. He asked me what my favorite film of his was, I said “Big Chill” (the film that he got cut out of) 🤣🤣🤣


All he said was relationships are hard. Why would you morph that into someone putting you down for getting a divorce. He was probably thinking about the divorce he was about to go through himself, without actually telling people he was about to go through a divorce. It is something any of us might say to someone we don't know who brought up their divorce, making the conversation uncomfortable.


FYI, doesn't matter who said it. Only that it was said and kelly took the high road.


She remains classy and I respect her so much.


Kevin Costner has been known to be opinionated, I'm not a hater, I enjoy him as an actor, I'm just saying I can believe he was the one.


Wow. Kevin is rude. So sad because I really liked him. He seems kind of snobby during this interview. Kelly really showed class during this interview, Kevin did not.


This seems on point. He blew up the whole Yellowstone series and the production schedule because he was having marital issues which became a divorce filed by his wife. He blames Yellowstone for not being available to his children and wife, yet he was pursuing his own passion project.

He misdirects his feelings and projects them onto other people instead of owning his behaviour.


Thank you Graeme. I literally just finished watching her Apple interview, (I've been binging her interviews because the music on "Chemistry" is so heartfelt and awesome). I wondered who the person was because Kelly is such a sweet, genuine soul and was visibly still upset talking about it. It's a reminder to be kind, always because we never truly know the pain that another person may be carrying.


I don't see what the big deal is. "Marriage is hard" .. pretty common statement when there is nothing more to say.


I knew you’d look into this! 🤣 love it


I am such a terrible person because I immediately assumed it was Reese Witherspoon because she also got divorced recently and I thought she may have had a snarky moment because of her circumstances (not excusing it) but she hasn’t been on the show so I’m glad it wasn’t her 😊 I was so sad because when Kelly and Reese did an interview 20 years ago for Legally Blonde 2 it was so sweet 💕 loved it when Kelly back then was saying “I’ve never done this before, I’m so nervous!” and the whole time I watched it recently I was thinking “oh honey, just you wait lovely lady” 😘


I thought about him even before this video. I went to search when he was on when I heard about Kelly's interview. He is talented and we all love his work. We can't deny that. But as a person, he always gave me a weird feeling. Does anyone remember how he made Whitney's funeral speech more about him than her? At least how it made me feel when watching it. Ever since then I was like oh eww what is this feeling? 😮


Marriage is not always "hard", but with his career, when you're juggling two like KC - it must be!


Is that all he said “marriage is hard?” How did he shame her? She probably was badly triggered by his statement thru no fault of his. From what little I saw of the interview KC seems to be in a bad mood.


It's totally him! He acted like a jerk that whole interview you can tell he's a very narcissistic person. I don't blame his wife for not moving out of the mansion and asking for 240, 000 a month in child support. The rumor mill is that he was let go from Yellowstone because he was having a affair at work and got her pregnant. So they let him go and are gonna kill off his character next season. Now let's keep in mind this man has 7 kids 3 are still minors but his oldest is almost 40. How embarrassing that your father is still acting like a teenager in his 70's!


Kevin Costner has always given off Jerk Vibes, so this tracks.


This is 2023. Costners wife filed in May. So what ever he said was probably just coincidence. He obviously seemed out of character that day.


IDk, wheres the full interview? I cant find it on yt. Was she whining about relationships? And he just said as a matter of fact that marriages are hard. Obviously, men and women gave a different way of dealing with things. Kelly at that point in her life was in crisis mode with her marriage. She was all into her feelings and IMO Kevin showed up for an interview and most likely in many cases actors just want to say what they want/need/have to say and have the interview over and done with.


Don’t take this the wrong way but what if he was doing the opposite. From what I heard her say that he said was “Relationships are hard”. Meaning, I understand getting a divorce because relationships are hard and sometimes you have to move forward. But from what she took is that he was saying she didn’t put in the hard work. Maybe she should’ve had him clarify more after the interview. ( maybe he said more or she did ask him to clarify) so they both understood the comment.
