Location Independence: How to Make Money While Traveling the World

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If you want to work remotely - whether it be while traveling or from home - then you've got a challenge ahead of you. However, it IS possible, and you can do it either as an employee or as your own boss.

In this video, I'll give you tips from my experience for doing it both ways, and I'll share several resources for finding jobs and improving your skills as well.

My book "10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades" is completely free, so check it out if you're interested in improving your grades!

Things I mentioned in this video:


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If you want to get even more strategies and tips on becoming a more productive, successful student, subscribe to my channel right here:

Written and hosted by Thomas Frank


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...also, never forget to bring sunscreen to a mountain.


Idk why but I love the lama with shades transition


Great video! I've been working remote for a tech-startup in New York for almost a year now while matching that income through blogging and I can't get over how cool it is to have so much flexibility. I know I've thanked you in the past, but if it weren't for College Info Geek I'd have never started my blog, and if it weren't for starting my blog I'd have never been offered my job. I owe a lot to you and it makes me so happy to see all of your success!


"Now you're like the lady from Napoleon Dynamite"...hahaha


Living in Budapest doesn't feel that cheap if you are a local. Not that I want to discourage anyone from visiting. It's just that our currency is really shitty and jobs don't pay all that well. If you come from a western country with a minimum wage, you can live like a king here. Plus the city is beautiful (yes I do have a bias)


I'm always impressed by how insightful you are! My biggest reservation with starting my own blog is not having content that will be beneficial to people. You are truly inspiring! God bless.


I'm so happy that someone made this video. I've believed in working to travel for a long time, although a little differently than you. I don't like paying to travel, so I get jobs in New cities that I want to visit instead of just traveling for a few weeks. I hate taking time off work, so I love working in places I want to go so I can just take off one day a week (like Saturday) to visit great places. Right now I'm living in Chicago making really good money, and having a great time with the city :) thanks for getting this idea out there.


How do make money while sleeping all day?


Thomas has the most expressive eyes ive ever seen - he says something and the eyes reiterate its fascinating


I'm a freelance journalist since 2015 and I spent over a year traveling and working at the same time (Budapest was my favorite city, btw!). Sometimes I'd even juggle volunteer work with freelancing and, of course, tourism. And guess what? I still learned a lot with this video. Thank you, Thomas! :)


Japan 3 times, Im happy your priorities are in order


Really liked this video! Definitely working on transitioning my work to allow more travel. I'm out of college but I'm glad you have relevant content for those of us who have graduated and trying to "adult" as they say. XD


I want to be a full time traveler so SO much but everybody says it not possible for me. Because not much people can do that.


The prioritization part is so tru!u always meet ppl who make excuses of not having the money to advance and yet they waste thier money on things that arent important and will tell u that u need to live a little. These are the same ppl who tell u u r cheap and yet ask borrow money lately.


Your videos are high-quality Thomas, thanks for the info! One of my goals is to become a digital nomad, so right now I'm working towards improving my portable skills. I really wish the U.S. was part of the "Youth Mobility" visa scheme though, which would make it much easier for me to work in the U.K. and stay with my boyfriend. :/


I'm a researcher, and I've started to wonder over the past few months if it would be possible to do academic work nomadically... So, thank you for these very useful tips! Just what I needed right now!


By far the most detailed video on how to travel while earning a living. My Youtube suggestions are so on point today.


I've been so grateful to have a location independent business during all this crazIness, but I can't wait to start traveling again! Loved that you highlighted having portability skills


Really inspired about this video. We are at the first steps of making videos for youtube and this whole thing begins all because I really love travel. Wanted to mention that I have a big desire to know whole the world, other cultures and to experience those thing that for a long time were a dream for me. Not to much money for exploring and still a beginner of youtube, but really a great desire to share with other people what I see. I hope one day to reach more viewers. Please feel free to know and support us. Love u all


For people with minimal skills, work experience, or the fortitude to start your own business get a job working for a fundraising company that'll allow you to work from "home". There are plenty of them in the U.S. and they'll hire anyone. Set up a car that's livable, get a good cell phone, get a laptop, mobile hotspot and your can travel constantly. Just park your car and male calls when your scheduled.
