Nobel Prize Announcement in Physics 2013

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The prize was announced by Staffan Normark, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Location: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sessionssalen, Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm, Sweden

- up-to-the-minute news about the 2013 Nobel Laureate/s
- live webcast from the press conference with an exclusive interview with a member of the Nobel Committee
- information about the prize: press release, scientific background, popular information
- telephone interviews with the new Laureate/s
Рекомендации по теме

Higgs boson is produced by the quantum excitation of the Higgs field, important in particle physics. The heaviest elementary particle, the top quark, has a special affinity to the Higgs. A top and antitop particle pair can be produced through the intermediate decay of Z Boson or photons. The Higgs has a mass of 125GeV/c^2 with an uncertainty of 0.16, with parity of +1.
