6 Most Disturbing Things Caught on Home Security Camera Footage

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Here is volume 2 of the Most Disturbing Things Caught on Home Security Camera Footage. This video features 6 of the most disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary clips caught on home security videos ( Home Nest Cameras , Home Ring Cameras ).

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These clips are proof that living people are far more frightening than any ghosts


How absolutely horrifying for Katie to be held hostage, probably assuming she was going to die, to be robbed by someone she thought of as a friend - you would have serious trust issues after that


No one is safe any more.
My grandma used to say that people should never be afraid of the dead but should be very afraid of the living. Now I understand what she meant by that.


8:45 - The guy is probably still in the house. There have been stories where people live secretly in the attic, other unknown areas of the house. etc, with the owners having no idea. This could explain why there was no sign of breakin. The guy never broke in, nor did he leave. Chills for you. You're Welcome.


People who break in just to stare at people sleeping is a whole other *u n h i n g e d* level of creepy.


Hacking someone's camera is not a harmless prank. It's not a "prank" at all. Fucking disgusting.


The man who was crouched by the baby crib is soo horrifying


First one is freaking terrifying because a person who is unafraid of being caught is completely unstable. And the fact that he stood at the bedside quietly watching them sleep instead of getting the hell out of there is heart stopping. Only a psychopath would walk past you in your own home and afterwards calmly suggest you need to keep your door locked.


Ah chilling scares...you never fail to make me wanna lock my bedroom door and hide under the covers because the world is scary


Dude that guy crouching in front of the camera is very very creepy🥲


Katie is extremely lucky that the perpetrators noticed the camera because it likely saved her life. Considering Katie knew the woman, and given the fact they were not wearing masks or disguises indicates they were likely going to kill her so as to not leave any witnesses. Once they realized there was no way to delete the footage, they knew they were all going down for the home invasion, but decided not to make things any worse than they already were.
A few months ago I was walking behind a small strip mall when suddenly a car stopped next next to me and the two passengers got out and demanded I hand over my cell phone and wallet. I told them I didn't have a wallet or any money, and I flat out refused to give them my phone. One of the guys had ahold of me by my shirt so I wasn't able to run away. The passenger got out, and as he was walking around the front of the car toward me and the guy who was holding onto my shirt, I saw he had a gun in his hand so I immediately pointed to each end of the building and told them there were security cameras recording their every move so they better get the f*** out of there before they did something they were going to regret for the rest of their lives over a cell phone that would lead the cops right to them. The kid with the gun immediately turned around and got back in the car and they took off.


It's a beautiful thing witnessing the panic set in for the 3 robbers after they noticed the camera knowing the footage was stored in the cloud.


If somebody breaks into the house of their own friend with the intent of robbing them not wearing masks their intentions was to kill her until they realize the camera was there and they couldn't do anything about the footage


That dude appearing in front of camera in the baby's room made my heart race a bit. Like a damn ghost.


I bet that live-in nurse was not only glad that she wasn't hurt, but also glad she wasn't accused of stealing and for the security cameras.


The guy who was filmed crouching in the baby's room is scary, but what's even scarier is that he took the dogs shock collar remote. To me, that makes it sound like he could have been planning to come back.... there's no good reason to take that other than wanting to prevent the dog from barking... (the part @8:52 btw)


Having your camera hacked is creepy as hell. However, having a camera in your kids bedroom is wrong. Children need the security of knowing they can have privacy. I'm not talking about babies and toddlers. I'm speaking of adolescents and teens. It's not right.


Some rookie thieves when they unsuccessfully tried to unplug the camera and delete the footage: '' I don't do this, I don't rob people.''


Similar thing happened to my sister, robbed by her own "friends."
Gotta be careful who you trust and let into your home.


If I saw 8:15 on my baby monitor, I would literally shit myself.
