Viral Rewind: Virus.DOS.Abraxas_II

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. Abraxas II is a newer version of the Abraxas DOS virus. Similar to how Abraxas operates it is a direct-action infector accompanied by a graphical/audible payload. When first run it will attempt to infect all DOS executables in the present directory Abraxas II is run from. When complete it clears the screen leaving the message (in German):

"Ich bin ein Geschenk von dem Teufel"
which means:
"I am a gift from the devil"

It then returns to the DOS prompt.

Payload: When an infected file with Abraxas II is run (assuming all DOS executables have been infected) it displays a graphic of the red beast with a high-pitched tune holding a message box that says:

"-= A B O M i N O G =-"

When finished it attempts to erase the drive sectors which depending on conditions can cause a number of glitches.


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Now that’s what I call a computer virus from hell.
