10 Overrated/Underrated Board Games on the Board Game Geek Top 100 | King's Court

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Welcome to Foster the Meeple, a channel dedicated to board games and all board gamey things! Join Kyle as he brings some spicy takes on over/under rated board games on the BGG top 100!
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00:00 - Intro
01:09 - Underrated Game 1
02:14 - Overrated Game 1
03:36 - Underrated Game 2
04:26 - Overrated Game 2
05:49 - Underrated Game 3
07:13 - Overrated Game 3
09:45 - Underrated Game 4
11:17 - Overrated Game 4
13:12 - Underrated Game 5
14:53 - Overrated Game 5
21:19 - What should be #1
22:43 - Wrap Up
23:42 - A little bit extra

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This was a great video! As someone who is relatively new to the hobby, it was great to hear your take on some of these big games.


Nice perspective, I always enjoy your videos!


Great video, it just confirmed to me the games I should look to get in future! (have my eye on Clans of Caledonia & Keyflower) also agree with Viticulture...


I agree with Clans of Caledonia. It is such a great game. I wasn’t so sure when I initially bought it but then I played it and wowwww! That was a game changer.


4:36 I actually agree with you on Five Tribes! 👍 It was the game which made me realize that I do not like games which are so tactical, to the extent that you cannot plan on your turn - because the board constantly changes EVERY turn - and especially on a 4- player game, you have to wait for the other 3 players to take their turn before it comes back to you (even if you were last the previous round and you won the bid for first the following round - it just means that you will have to wait AT LEAST 4, if not more, before your next round turn) - and there is no way to predict the board state at the time you will be taking your turn.
Because of that, it just didn't work for me. I wanted it to. I had watched a playthrough before - and it looked fun, but just feel flat for me 😞


You’re right in that Viticulture you really want to see more cards and play more cards because those actions are the most powerful. So it becomes a fight over those card placement spots. Great video and good support for your opinions!


While Gloomhaven is not my kind of game, and I do prefer the Brass system over it (my preferred version probably being Age of Industry), it is still very popular. Gloomhaven has logged nearly 2, 000 times halfway through July with nearly 100 people rating it a 10 this month. While The combined Brass games have been logged just over 1, 000 times, but they do have more 10 ratings this month with around 140. If you combine Gloomhaven with JOTL then it rises significantly. Interestingly, JOTL has about 1, 500 plays this month which is still quite a bit lower than base Gloomhaven.


My favorite FTM moment is whenever you talk about Azul you use the shot of Jeff on the porch with the sun blaring in his eyes.


The first American to pronounce Birmingham correctly …….. go


4:25 Yeah, I would love to try Keyflower. It looks like a cool game!


12:46 What do you think about Vinhos? Just wondering!


How do you feel about Gloomhaven and other popular games in the top 10 being retired to a BGG hall of fame? I think it would help keep fresh games in the top 100


Ok..Ok...Ok.. Fun video..:)...but Clans of LOVE the crew. I have had so much fun with it playing at breweries over beers with pals. Love this game. Yep, Failing a gloomhaven run is the pits...I will ONLY play this game solo because I enjoy the surprise of new characters and the storyline is intriguing, and I totally cheat. I keep more cards in my hand than I should, and I don't even feel bad about it :). Keep the good content coming! Nothin' but respect.


This was SO good. I couldn't agree more with The Crew and Gloomhaven. So great! Thanks for explaining all your thought process. Well done.


Kyle the video and Mic are looking great. Not sure if you got new equipment or just fine tuned the settings either way. Well done.


Congrats Kyle, you predicted Brass would steal first place in the top 100!


I am pretty new to board gaming, and I do have Jaws of The Lion. In fact it was the first in my growing collection of 17 board games, lol. As a board gaming newbie I think its fun, but see your point. You could easily compare your thoughts about it to Elder Scrolls Online. That game is ridiculous and you will never, ever finish it. The main quest yes, but virtually nothing after that.I've logged well over 5000 hours and it gets extremely repetitive regardless of new chapters, and events which are mostly regurgitation of past events, etc... I used to play the crap out of it, now...maybe 30 minutes at a time. Its ALL the SAME after SO many hours there is no mystery left. But, noobs especially love it. Lots of PC gamers hate it and think it's way overrated. So, I guess it just depends on what you want out of the games you play, and knowing when you've had enough of a certain game, concede to some that seem to own you, then move on.


Funny thing is I'm playing LotR right now! I don't think it's overrated at all. My reasoning is first, the enemies are all the same. They all just move and deal damage/fear. None of them have any interesting or unique AI. You don't have to deal with each in a specific way to be successful. They just move...and deal damage. And you just attack them back, in the same way, no matter who they are.

My second complaint is the timer. Yes, you need a timer in games. But it you can't explore everything you want or you'll run out of time. So it seems to try to limit how much you actually explore.


I think Gloomhaven popularized an entire generation of fantasy campaign games and is still my favorite of the bunch, so I understand it being number 1. Nothing in the genre has bested it, in my opinion. It is not my number 1 of all time, but I do think it deserves the love it gets. Also, for a lot of people, a game is more than just the gameplay. It's the whole experience.

JotL isn't really the same game as Gloomhaven in my opinion... I mean, the system is the same, sure, but it's not the same play experience, story, characters, etc.

I really don't like Azul. At all. I find it really boring even when being cutthroat... I've really tried to like it but I just don't. 😕

I fully agree with Viticulture and Five Tribes. I'll play those, but really don't love them.

Clans if Caledonia is cool, but every time I'd rather play TM or Gaia Project. I feel like those are both just tighter and deeper.

Brass is wonderful. I wouldn't collapse the entries as they really are quite different play experiences. Birmingham is like Caverna (looser, less chess like) and Lancashire is like Agricola (tighter, more established play patterns).


Totally agree with you on everything…..wait for it….except….viticulture of course. No, I get it, I do have visitor of rhine valley and it does help. I also love the special workers of Tuscany and I found a 10 pack of promo special workers that I didn’t even knew existed. Plus with world coming out, this will stay in my top five. But like you said, great game can see why people like it, just doesn’t have to be in everyone’s top ten. Thanks for the vid. I made my money the old fashioned way, I got run over by a Lexus !
