What We Should Have Learned in School But Never Did

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The things we learn in school are valuable. But there is always so much more to know. And much that we should have learned but didn’t.

Maybe that information wasn’t taught to us, or maybe we just weren’t paying attention. Either way, life has a way of teaching you anything you might have missed along the way.

Albert Einstein said, “Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.”

Once you start thinking about it, learning never ends.

0:00 - Intro
1:01 - How To Think For Yourself
2:04 - What The Right Mindset Can Do For You
3:27 - Your Failures Don't Define You
4:21 - Resilience
5:25 - Uncertainty Is Certain
6:40 - The Gift Of The Present

Рекомендации по теме

1:01 - How To Think For Yourself
2:04 - What The Right Mindset Can Do For You
3:27 - Your Failures Don't Define You
4:21 - Resilience
5:25 - Uncertainty Is Certain
6:40 - The Gift Of The Present


Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the best things that will ever happen to us


There should be a subject in school called “life” where students are taught about the harsh practicalities of life, that you cannot always be successful in everything you do and that failure is actually a good thing and nothing to be afraid of. Most importantly they need to know that getting good grades and constant stress for every exam is just not worth it. Man I wish I knew this when I was in school and college. I was chasing good grades and compromising on actually enjoying more, never faced failure. And when failure hit me for the first time, it was so hard to take. However now I’ve realized that multiple failures have just made me fearless.


Other things you should learn at school:
How electricity works. How to change a plug and a fuse.
How to change a washer on a tap. How to bleed a radiator.
How to get rid of stains.
How to exercise, become fit, and stay fit. How to eat in order to stay healthy.
How to speak and write standard English.
How to introduce yourself to people in different situations.
How to speak on the phone. How to give a short presentation to a group. How to touch type. How to take notes. How to write a short article on a given subject, and how to do research for the article.
How to cook. The Science of cooking.
How to study. How to learn. How to remember.
How to read music. How to play an instrument. How to sing. How to draw.
How to budget. How to add, subtract, multiply and divide in your head, without using a calculator or pen and paper.


Schools can literally teach so many things, I just got out of school in 2022 and sadly 2020 and 2021 and half of 2022 were eaten awys by the virus
Man I really regret not talking girls not participating in events, not really answering much in class
Schools will teach a person discipline, social skills, talking, respect and also the points mentioned in the video
WELL I still have college and I'll make the best of it :)


I really enjoy the clarity in your videos. Thank you!


Failures are the stepping stones to success.


Perfect timing.. :) This was what I needed right now to remind me to get back to my path..


“Formal education is just what you do for a living, self-education will make you a fortune.”-Jim Rohn


Thank you for this content. It is very helpful to receive consistently encouraging ideas to help me move in the positive direction.


Unfortunately, scarcity is very true. Those who blatantly ignore it are living in their own bubble.

People falsely co-relate abundance mindset with being able to better grasp opportunities. Think this question:

Will you give more value to something which is scarcely available or abundantly available? Tendency is scarcely available items are usually of higher value, hence people will put more effort to seek out the scarcely available item than the more readily-available.

People having a scarcity mindset are living realistically. Abundance mindset an escapism mindset for people who do not wish to face reality. True mental strength lies in acknowledging scarcity and find ways to overcome it, rather than tricking the brain to ignore scarcity and falsely see the world in abundance.


I think we all learn those things at school, so let me explain how it can work during classes (of course, this is my own opinion based on my own experiences, maybe most of system education don't include it, but in my case, it does, so forgive me if I said some unfortunate mistakes):

I. How to think for yourself
It is actually pretty simple; in fact, we learn it during our childhood and with our parents' guidance. Normally, school gives us some courses in order to improve it: literature throughout essays with your own views and opinion about some topics (especially from books teachers recommend you reading for your age in order to improve your critical thinking).
Math is also a great tool to improve our thinking skills while solving problems (I did it a lot during my first years school, it was awful but somehow very interesting and amusing to figure answers).

II. What the right mindset can do for you
This one should be taught by parents too, but for school, I think this isn't the educational system's problem but rather the school's environment. I used to study in a very good school (I mean, where students were always tops in their class in their old school) where people only focus on results and do whatever it takes to get constant A+. Although we got wonderful teachers who taught us to relax from time to time ourselves and not to stress over some useless thoughts; they always try to not give us too many homework.
But here, our mindset was stick to the fact that if we don't ace the next exam, we are completely f*cked up. But it is also a matter of homework, because, yeah, teachers usually give us tones of homework in order to improve our skills in their subjects, and if you don't do it, you are just digging your own grave. This fact is right and wrong at the same time for me.

III. Failures don't define you
As I said in II., our teachers were constantly telling us this fact over and over again, before and after every exams. It is something they say at least once a day in order to make us remember that it is okay to have bad scores someday. I don't know where this fact comes out, but in my case, it is definitely wrong.
But again, it is something that our parents should have taught us too. But for me, my parents have a great fear of failure, especially because of the fact that my mother couldn't continue to go to school because of lack of money and my father didn't chose the right course for him (he stopped because of lack of money too). Unfortunately, they are stuck in the mindset where if you don't chose the right major you want to apply in, your whole life (as a future rich and successful person) is over.
Of course, this is just an exemple of what failure is, but in other cases, most of the time, I think parents understand this type of things (they were also teens before becoming adults) so they know our struggles about failures. It is the same with teachers. They are the ones who tell us how we can study something, different ways to get through some paths and other stuff too.
So I think this statement is wrong.

IV. Resilience
This thing is a bit more difficult to explain, but I'll try my best. I think it is something you learn on every subject, but I don't why, people just don't seem to see it. You don't just learn it at school but also with your parents, like other parts too. Students are encouraged to do extracurricular activities in order to improve those skills like sports, science, debate clubs and so on. 
Being able to prepare about problems on a daily basis isn't something you should only learn at school but throughout daily life. But of course, if you only memorize facts and doing practice questions all day at your desk without doing anything else, it can be a problem. It is schools' problem to give us too many homework and it is the thing it should be changed with school.
So is it right or wrong? It depends on the situation.

V. Uncertainty is certain
Again, this is something you learn most of the time with your parents. Your parents are the ones who share with you their own experience about life and their problems with today's society. They are the best people to give you answers about these things because they are human beings too. School also teaches us that, especially when you are choosing your path after high school, because this is the thing they must tell you before you make your first step in your adulthood. So I think this fact is false.

VI. The gift of present
Actually, I don't really understand this, but I'll interpret it in my own ways (forgive me for that). So in my opinion, it's something called 'being happy with what you have right now', isn't it? If it is, then I'll continue. So I believe that it is something you can do, but it is only short-termed. Being always grateful for present is indeed incredible to do each day, but sometimes, we still need to see the future no matter what. You can't say to a teen to be present while they are scrolling over social medias all day; they are present but don't think enough for their future.
However, I do believe it is a great thing to do, but only once in a day and not always. Thinking like that can lead student to not focus on what they would really need, as for example practice mathematics exercices (when you don't understand something) or, if you think math can be sometimes useless, writing essays to improve your critical thinking.
There are actually plenty ways to understand the gift of present through school, but it seems like no many people notice it. Having friends at school is an exemple of the gift of present.

Of course, I was writing over parents all the time in this lines, so please, I sincerely apologize if you grew up as an orphan, having abusing or absent parents. In this case, I think school don't even need to teach you that: you already have been through many obstacles as a teen and for tough people, you have already learn all these things. In the opposite case, then I can also tell you that it is teachers' role to make you understand these facts, which led me to another point.

It is only a teenager's decision to take those advice as a real thing or not. Teenagers are usually rebellious at this part of their life (I was one of them) and it can be difficult to convince them since they think school as a useless place to go. A lot of students, including me, were very prideful especially when it comes with academical results. We don't really listen to what the teachers are saying because we are actually doing well, so what does it matter? Luck should also be considered; life is unfair, and there are students who are very unlucky about it, and there is nothing to do. Those things should also be considered when thinking about this topic.

It was a very long comment but I hope you enjoyed it! A little reminder: it is only based with my basic experience which is not very deep. Thank you for your time and a have a wonderful day, night! :)


Superb ! It would be pretty useful if you suggest some best books also on this topic ..


Schools should prepare one for life, but school doesn’t even prepare you to learn. Elementary school prepares you a little bit for high school, but high school doesn’t prepare you for college, and college prepares you little for the real world… For most of the jobs in the real world you don’t even need a college degree. But we are so focused on a piece of paper that says what we in theory can do, but documents more what we are not able to do, and that is to function in the real world. The first thing – after reading, writing and math – school should teach you is how to learn, study and think on your own, how to plan your work and how to work your plan. But instead you have to memorize facts (that in most of the cases you will never need again in your life) just to pass a test. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to know that the French Revolution was from 1789 till 1799, but how is that going to be useful in a day to day life? This video should be shown to all teachers and students as a roadmap to a successful education.


I keep trying for years but it feels like nothing good ever happens..


To shows you how raggedy the U.S. public educational system

I dropped out in the eighth grade but yet was still able to master:

Christian Theology (religion)
Hegemonic masculinity (gender study)
Creative financing (business)
Public speaking (communication)
Goal setting (personal growth)
Leadership mastery (social ethics)

So, This is my recommendation for the public / college education system today!
🖕🤣🖕x3 🇺🇲


i need to stop living in the past and future and live in the present but how ? thanks


You're a very good writer but are you afraid of ChatGPT? Can you make a video about it?


Andrew Tate, Hamza, ect.. taught me a lot


Best Life Hack ever: Learn to use your own brain to move forward.
