Pebble Time review

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The Time is the third effort from smartwatch pioneer Pebble. It’s easily the best Pebble yet, but is that enough to stand out?

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I personally love the pixelated interface, mainly because Pebble isn't trying to hide it, bur rather they make use of it aesthetically


Am I the only one here who like it more than the others wearable systems? Its retro design and light reflecting display.. So cool. Animations seem really smooth too


the pebble
-always on
-kick ass battery life
-has the main functions as high end smart watches

it's a winner


I really don't like the verge's aproach on anything . Their reviews are soulless!


Purchase this watch and get ready for the "Is that the new apple watch!?" from bystanders.


I miss Pebble. My Pebble Time is finally biting the dust and I'm having to move on. It's depressing.


I think this watch beats the competition, sure it might have some drawbacks but this is really the best smart watch out there.


Actually might pick this up to review. Like the simple look.


I got mine this morning and have worn it all day. So far im very happy, i hate having to bring up my phone to check time. As much as i hate having to bring up my phone while driving it happens, but this finally allows me to ignore any message or see if its important  enough to stop for. I like being able to dismiss calls, quick reply, and other simple stuff. I don't need a super powerful device that can stream 4k video or play battlefield on my wrist, i just needed something to stop me from having to get out my stupid phone. This is a great product.


It's not meant to be a fashion accessory. When Pebble launched its Time on KS, it explicitly said that the product is meant to focus on what's most important to many of us: time itself. For the average busy person, you'll probably find it helpful to have your schedule right on your wrist. It's much like having a paper or digital phone planner, without the need to look for them ever again. For that reason why I thought timeline was a great idea. Let's say you're on your coffee break, wrist up, one click, and you can see the most recent game scores or read an email your colleague sent you 30 mins ago. Pebble didn't design Time so you can sit on your sofa and play with it all day, or at your desk as a pretty distraction. You've got your phone to do that. It's basic but sleek, not flashy. If you're a backer, you'll get weekly updates from Pebble mostly focusing on functionality that can help make a busy person's day easier. This review failed to mention many things, such as being able to get an Uber on one click, timer and stopwatch functions. It looks good ENOUGH on your wrist. If they decided to make it using premium material, it'll be much more expensive and face it, a better part of you'd just opt for the Apple Watch. The review is wrong to revolve around whether Time is life changing at all because what is the reviewer benchmarking it with? Instead it should have provided more comparison points with current smart watch competitors that have similar functionalities. Everyone has a different idea of what life changing is. Heck, for me I want my watch to teleport me anywhere. But let's start with the basics: getting through the day as smoothly and in distracted as possible.


This may be a bit too niche but could you guys take a look at the best fitness trackers for swimming specifically? I know there are some that track multiple activities but I'd like to know which ones are the most accurate and provide the most information for swimming in particular at different price points. Thanks


This is good upgrade for my pebble steel the timeline is a really informative function to the watch and also it comes with a voice activated function, and also the water resistant is a big plus. Hope to get this device soon.


Wow, a review primarily about the thing you are reviewing. I am impressed. Keep it up.


"I never tested it beyond wearing it in the shower" meanwhile he's testing it right in front of my face lol


Hi I saw your video and I want to ask you I have pebble time and want to ask you how is it with phone calls like how do I pick it up or can I speak on the pebble when I'm on the phone because I did that and it doesn't work so maybe you know a better app for calling like I got pebble dialer or you know a video so to show how to pick up the phone. I would like a answer thanks


Would you like some screen to go with that bezel?


I really like it! I wish I could order it right now but I'll have to wait until the 22nd of June I guess.. Does the display come with some sort of backlight? So I can see everything although it's dark in my room or outsite?


Wayyy, too early for a review. And no mention of the time steel.


For a smartwatch I think this is the best, can use on different phones and last longer on battery life than other smart watches.


What's the watchmaker at the start of the video? It's awesome I need it!