5 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Driving Test

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Discover the top 5 driving test mistakes to avoid in 2023. Avoid costly errors and pass with confidence!

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Passed on monday first time 3 minors all i can say is drive the best of your ability go in with a clear head no nerves you can smash it was a great feeling saying you passed


For your first point - make sure you don't hesitate too much, as you can in fact fail for hesitation on roundabouts (source: me LOL)


As a American who’s getting ready to take my test and learning(on my own) you don’t realise how helpful your vids are. I’m lucky as I’ve been able to drive with my current license, so I can get all the practice time in as possible. Saves money on lessons and gives up spaces for younger people who are now starting to learn. Just shaking off the rust and bad habits and hoping to knock it out in at least three attempts.
Thanks once again bro.


I have my second test on Thursday! I'm super nervous but hopefully I'll be able to stay calm and won't make a stupid mistake. Thanks for the video!


I got my test in two weeks! So excited hopefully i pass.


Thank you! Have my test on Tuesday morning and this video really helps ❤


Hi Josh! I just passed my driving test on Monday 😊🎉 I'm so happy and also greatfull for your videos ❤ big fat thank you 👍


i just passed yesterday, thank you so much Josh for you helpful videos!!


Good man Preciate your help and guidance ❤


I think the main problem at junctions is candidates stopping too far back to effectively see down the main road far enough to be adequate. They observe "no cars" and pull out followed by minimal acceleration. Checking the mirror in the new road they do not then accelerate fast if they are being caught.


I would add, don't let your observations get old, it may be 20 seconds till you can pull away, but if you only did your 360 degree checks 20 seconds ago then the situation may have changed, a cyclist may come out of nowhere just as you pull away.

This happened on my test, I had to wait a short while before a line of cars passed me (going around 30mph), I put in a second 360 degree check just before the last car passed, so I would be ready to go straight away once it passed me.
Not sure if you can get a serious for old observations, but I wasn't planning on finding out at the time.


I failed my first test for hesitation on a roundabout 😢


Im starting to think.its impossible to pass UK driving test. I failed 3 times already. The examinator always found new reasons to fail me. Its impossible to please them.They don't understand how hard is to learn to drive and be confident during the exam. Last examinator made me so nervous that I made 4 major mistakes:( Im losing hope. My instructor said I know how to drive and Im ready to be a driver. Then you see how ppl with licence drive and how many mistakes they made. Its so frustrating.


Iv got a test today super nervous it's going to be my 4th but your videos help so much thank you


1— failing observation at junctions ( cross roads, t junctions, roundabout )

2__ not using the mirror correctly

3—-not having proper control of the steering

4—in correct position turning Rt

5– fail to blind sport check


I've got my first (AND HOPEFULLY ONLY TEST) booked in a couple weeks time after just 10 hours worth of lessons (never drove in the past but rode motorcycles) this videos has made a lot of sense even though my instructor says I'm test ready obviously nerves tell you other wise I'll let yous know how I get on 2 weeks from yesterday 🙏🏻


Hi I came to your channel specially to say thank you for your helpful and informative videos. I have watched loads of your videos to prepare myself to pass the test this time(3rd attempt...)
I passed yesterday finally!!!! I can now even more enjoy watching your videos to remind me to drive sensibly. 🥳


I failed my first one,

Was too far left on a one way street (when turning right)
Wasnt looking out the back enough while reversing
And on the six point check wasnt exaggerating enough on the final check before i pulled out


I'm praying I'm 3rd time lucky. Had a total of 28 hours of lessons plus about 30 unofficial ones. 2 failed tests and going for my 3rd in December and in an automatic now. It will be awful if I fail again as the condition I have is progressive so in a few years time I likely won't be able to drive anymore and it's a life long goal to be able to drive even only for a short time.


I failed for not going at a busy roundabout last Friday, my drive went really well and the flow of traffic was constant from the right as i was waiting to join the roundabout from the right. The examiner felt i could of gone sooner and failed me for delaying someone behind me.
