Schroth Method Muscle Activation for Lumbar Scoliosis Curves

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The Schroth Method is a main component of treatment for scoliosis at Align therapy in Lehi, Utah. Please do not attempt these corrections without proper instruction from a trained PT. This video is for information and to instruct on the principles of this method.

In Schroth training for scoliosis, we use a lot of activation of different muscles to achieve correction of the scoliosis curve. This can be anywhere in the spine, but most often it is in the lumbar spine.

When put in a position of correction, we can activate muscles in the concave side of the curve to help pull the spine toward the concavity, aiding in correction.

One key component of this is to make sure you are staying elongated during this correction or it will cause further collapse of the concavity.

Muscle activation for posture correction should only be done with a Physical Therapist trained in Scoliosis Specific Exercise. Because of the differences with scoliosis curves, this can easily be done incorrectly and cause more harm than good.

The Schroth Method is a fantastic way to help stop progression of the curve, improve posture, avoid surgery, and sometimes even reduce the curve.

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You are calm, professional and showing a great understanding. The student seems really comfortable and enjoyed learning like I did. Great team!


Love the video. A bit confusion can be raised by the fact that the girl has a Lumbar right scoliosis and in your explanation you explain with a -more common- Lumbar left curve. So it might confuse people to understand the principle.


Picture is confusing, if you think about looking at the patient from P-A. If she has an S shaped curve. Apex should be in the right. Otherwise if you are looking from the front. It makes sense.


I've never saw this exercise . It is a high level exercise ty Dave. I'm gonna show this to my doctor before I do it everyday. My doctor just says I'm good to do whatever I want but he doesn't have levoscoliosis he's not feeling what I am. Never never attempt these exercises without a professional the twist and curves are different in everyone. Your most likely gonna get it wrong. Sady I don't have a schroth teacher anywhere near my area.. ty you again Dave .


I have scoliosis for over 40 years. During allthis time of exercising /trying to fix scoliosis I've reached one conclusion;
Scoliosis can not be fixed just by streching/ pushing, ....
Scoliosis is a prblem of the muscles, muscles need to be "redeveloped".
With this ideea I've conceived an exercising equipment that I believe can CURE scoliosis in all cases of patients than can exercise with no other problems like degenerations, ....
Myself I can not produce or improve nor test this equipment by myself. This is why I am looking for a producer of scoliosis exercising equipment to do it with me. This equipment is realy revolutionary and never been done!
Can you give me a hand?



2:08 Visual que, press down on left foot - (opposite side leaning)


Hi, I'm following your videos about scoliosis. Can you maybe recommend a similar place like yours in Germany?
Thank you


Is there therapy for thoracolumbar scoliosis with a curve to the left apex at T12 L1? It so confusing. Do I do side planks on the left only, for example?


Thanks for uploading the video. I have one question. I only have the lumbar spine and the angle is not great.
I am left convex.
X-rays show a higher right pelvis and more area. (Maybe wider…?My doctor says little prominent right side..)
What regular exercise can I do?
Thanks for the professional video.


is the psoas the muscle that pulls the spine to the right?


I have two big curves, really close to one another... When I have done Schroth therapy I always felt that whatever I did, worsened one of the two curves. Is Schroth at all the right approach with curves like that?..


I have this shape scoliosis like this girl its dangerous or not Im 20yo Can this scoliosis affect me in the future or just i live my life normaly


thanks. can you treated scoliosis with 50th degrees without any problems
