Did Reed lie to us at the end of Phantom Liberty? #shorts #gaming #cyberpunk2077

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DLC ending: quiet life
Mikoshi endings: blaze o glory


I wish they had a ending where we give johnny our body but we just flip spots and we just be the ghost in his head now


The fact Panam doesn’t even answer your calls when you wake up


The FIA endings truly broke me. Everyone you met breaks from you not being there or has no room for you anymore. Misty and Vic are truly V’s only remaining close friends in NC who are just trying to survive.


This ending for Phantom Liberty hit really close to home for me. Specifically the last conversation with Johnny. I lost my brother shortly before I finished the DLC. I got goosebumps and teared up because it felt like I was saying goodbye to him.


Man it sucked that there’s no more DLCs after this I remember exploring the map past Johnnys grave and accidentally headed towards off bounds and the game says “your not allowed to go here…yet” and knowing its not gonna happen is disappointing


Happy endings? Wrong city, wrong people.


Myers did to V what she did to songbird strip her of friends home & identity. Making her dependent on them & if she’s a good lapdog maybe she’ll get some of herself back


So there's a theory that says that v was alive during the two years he was in a coma basically they used him as a sleep agent sort of like the winter soldier from the marvel movies or the comics he has no memory of what happened he doesn't know what happened and the FIA is using him and when he wakes up in the 2 years is after he served his term so they erase his memories and tell him he can't cyberwhere but actually he can but his programming they put into him while he was their sleep agent requires him not to be able to use it cuz if he did he'd figure out that he has all these parts that aren't his that were FIA grade at least that's the theory

(a game theory)

(Sorry I couldn't help it)


It all comes around to that question in car:” Quiet life or blaze of glory mr.V”


It feels really out of character that Panam goes from basically saying you’re the most important person to her to not wanting anything to do with you after literally being in a coma due to a procedure that cured you of the one thing that would’ve stopped you from living the rest of your lives together.


I remember that after I became weak I literally got bullied by some weaklings and there is a conversation with one of the characters and she says something like "You have to get used to the fact that when there is danger, you have to run the other way". Chills.


Except Viktor literally confirms what Reed says like 10 minutes later...


When i saw V walk off and blend into the crowd, something inside of me yearned for more but also smiled knowing V made a name that lives thru Night City while living in peace


I’d be cool if V got training from Morgan black hand a merc known for not relying on cyberwear he was able to hold his own against Adam smasher


The FIA ending puts V exactly in the same spot that Neuromancer's Case is at in the beginning of that novel. He has his system burned so it wouldn't take augments after stealing from his employers and they have entered a deadly downwards spiral until they are recruited for a job whose signing fee is a procedure that returns them the ability to use augments.

Considering that the FIA ending has the most clues as to where the game is going next, I feel that they put it in there both as a way to move the universe's story forward and have a way to bring back V if they so decide to do and it would be a neat homage to the roots of the genre. The next game would certainly have to canonise an ending since it'll be after 2077 so my personal read is that they'll go this way.


honestly, that is the MOST CYBERPUNK ending. you get what you wanted, your life, but you lose your abilities, your friends, your partner, and you had to sacrifice both so ming and johnny. it's the darkest, most dystopian ending. and it's perfect.


The cure for V ending is the worst ending.

You lose your cyberware, your friends, lover, betray songbird and kill Johnny. Everything you fought to keep.

Shoutout to Vic for being the only person willing to still be there when you wake up.


In this ending V chose the ending that Dexter wanted ....
The nomad ending is always the best for me, V would spend rest of his short life with his family and they might even find him a cure


I always found it very weird that in one of the original endings, even Arasaka scientists (i.e. people that have the most intimate knowledge of the relic and the technology associated with it) werent able to save V and had to offer them an alternative in the form of creating a construct but some random "best" government scientists were able to save them. I could be wrong but from the worldbuilding Id guess that Arasaka would have scientists at least on par with what the government has and likely even better than that...
