How To Get The HIDDEN ASPECT - Infernal Arms | Hades

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How To Get The HIDDEN ASPECT - Infernal Arms | Hades
00:06 Varatha, Aspect of Guan Yu
00:46 Stygius, Aspect of Arthur
01:14 Aegis, Aspect of Beowulf
01:44 Coronacht, Aspect of Rama
02:14 Malphon, Aspect of Gilgamesh
02:43 Exagryph, Aspect of Lucifer
If you can't get the NPC to tell you the waking-phrase, just go to the next run and talk to them after that again and again until they told you.
#hades #hiddenaspect #infernalarms
00:06 Varatha, Aspect of Guan Yu
00:46 Stygius, Aspect of Arthur
01:14 Aegis, Aspect of Beowulf
01:44 Coronacht, Aspect of Rama
02:14 Malphon, Aspect of Gilgamesh
02:43 Exagryph, Aspect of Lucifer
If you can't get the NPC to tell you the waking-phrase, just go to the next run and talk to them after that again and again until they told you.
#hades #hiddenaspect #infernalarms