Brian Greene on why Quantum Entanglement is so difficult to understand #science #quantumphysics

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Bohr-Einstein debate, that was this was about. Einstein did not like it but Bohr, the father of quantum mechanics, said what happens is reality. Einstein said it violated relativity and determinism. If he was alive today, he still wouldn't like it. At what level of influence does conscientiousness have on matter. Maybe brains need uncertainty and all the things Einstein didn't like.


When particles have close relations with each other they are either born from the same material or they have form that relation before splitting. There are things we can’t see happening because we don’t know how molecules socialize with each other. We just know what elements get along and which ones don’t. Everything makes relations with everything. Some just get along, some don’t, some stay neutral. How else do you explain particles being able to be anything until they decide what to be upon inspection. The interaction of viewing activates its innate coding to be what it is supposed to be. Before then everything is formless.


Space is a plasma field that contains all particle weights, if you make the EMField photons in a glass box +5degrees Celsius, those photons are now sensitive to Electron EMField fluctuations, if the photons are entangled with another glass box then you have a Wifi repeater that responds 25 times faster than the Wifi signal source.
Photons weigh +1C
Electron Weigh +5C

It's an Inverted WormHole if you want to be technical. It exists in a lighter weight space not a heavier one.


This the opposite of the lifetime of a photon:a photon leaving the sun takes 8 minutes to get to earth but no time passes for the photon. Entangled particles are separated in space and has no time delay in the two nodes of the probability but it took time for them to separate


there is an reason, fabric, property, rule, whatever you want to call it that underlies EVERYTHING and that we may never know.


The more I learn, the more I see a God that spoke and all this genius came into existence in a very powerful way. The mystery of life will be revealed one day to each and every one of us.


But how far in space are we talking here, may be information really travels much faster than light. But since have not tested this between two massively seperated galaxy we really dont know at what speed they travel. At the most we have tested entanglement only on earth and so distances are miniscule for such high speeds


Maybe space is an illusion and those particles are actually superimposed on each other.


It could be the particles's gravity, or the particles spaceTime so I suspect it's not electric in nature


particles are not waves. same as drops of water are not waves of water. try get a drop of water from a wave. what happens?


The second he said 2+2 is 4, who else here immediately thought about Howard Terrance?!


When and where has this been tested? and how far was it in the test? for they have been talking about this like its factual and yet ive never heard till just now about any test done. And even here he just said it could be tested but was it? Or is it just the math as you say that you speak so boldly about this millions of light yesrs away thing


Not a we figure our how to travel though manmade wormholes...I imagine we'll have to go from New York to a satellite and then to a cell phone call.
"Beam me up!"...ok. that last part is a joke.


Two particles separated by the space between New York and California are as close as next to each other where the entanglement first occurs. Once entangled a distance not comprehensive is as next to each other. This is how knowledge can be obtained from any place in the universe instantly. Soon humans soon.


Because reality is a data simulation, so he moves a particle in the source code. Computers are proof that this is a simulation


Nobody really understands quantum mechanics....😂


Not that complicated. It's just an electromagnetic wave.
