1. Use a suitable identity to get each of the following products 1. (x + 3)(x + 3), (2y + 5)(2y + 5)
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1. Use a suitable identity to get each of the following products
1. (x + 3)(x + 3),
2. (2y + 5)(2y + 5)
3. (2a - 7)(2a - 7)
4. (3a−1/2)(3a−1/2)
5. (1.1m - 0.4)(1.1m + 0.4)
6. (a2+b2)(−a2+b2)
7. (6x - 7)(6x + 7)
8.(-a + c) (-a + c)
9. (x/2+3y/4)(x/2+3y/4)
10. (7a - 9b)(7a - 9b)
For Short Notes, Revision Notes And NCERT Solution.
1. (x + 3)(x + 3),
2. (2y + 5)(2y + 5)
3. (2a - 7)(2a - 7)
4. (3a−1/2)(3a−1/2)
5. (1.1m - 0.4)(1.1m + 0.4)
6. (a2+b2)(−a2+b2)
7. (6x - 7)(6x + 7)
8.(-a + c) (-a + c)
9. (x/2+3y/4)(x/2+3y/4)
10. (7a - 9b)(7a - 9b)
For Short Notes, Revision Notes And NCERT Solution.
1. Use a suitable identity to get each of the following products 1. (x + 3)(x + 3), (2y + 5)(2y + 5)
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