The secret to getting there faster without speeding.

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Speeding may help you reach more green lights, but there is a legal way to shave time off of your road trip.

This is a follow up to my previous video:
Speeding saves you less time than you think
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It's kind of mesmerizing to come across the first video that's 10 years old just as you released this one


Who said staying legal was a criteria?


I get your point, the videos are very well made.

This approach means that you accelerate hard after each stop, which wastes much more fuel.
That means you'll need to stop and re-fuel more frequently, which is slow :)

Personally I try to stay efficient as possible by aiming for high average speed throughout the whole trip, (within legal limits).
It means minimum stops, while crousing at a relatively low rpm with no hard acceleration / unnecessary braking for fuel efficiency.

Split-streaming and driving with a tailwind also makes a big difference for me, but it gets too complicated to check the weather forecast before you leave the house 😅


Just finished your last video. Perfect timing!


In my experience thbst thing yoj can do at a stoplight is to actually make it when youcan, and when you can't, drive slow the entire time you approach to maximise the chances that the light turns green before you get there.

Obviously this is more reliable the more disrance yoj have to work with, but the dnd result is that that the amoumt of time you spend accelerating is minimized, which not only works a LOT better than your methods (I speak from experience in both), but reverses tge math on gas; you'll save gas this way


Lights are timed. They’re also coordinated together to optimize / organize traffic flow.

When I go the speed limit with cruise control set: I look pretty far out in front of me and see a light that’s either red or green.

If it’s far away and it’s red, I can assume I’ll get there when it’s green.

If the light out in front of me has been green for a long time I can assume it will turn red before I get there.

When people speed, all they’re doing is getting to the light when they’re not supposed to. They’ll race a quarter mile ahead of me, get to the light before it turns red, come to a complete stop, it turns green, and I get there a few seconds before it turns green but I can’t just go through the light because the speeders are at a complete stop… just beginning to this makes me have to slow all the way down to 5 mph just because they’ve impeded my path.

If you scale this up across dozens or hundreds of cars.. it CREATES congestion.

If you go the speed limit, you will usually hit a point where lights will turn green like dominoes.. right in front of you.


You can still be pulled over for excessive acceleration or whatever they call it


But what if you have to wait at the next red light again and the guy behind you that is not accelerating as fast as you is catching up to you anyway because you have to wait at the light


Thanks for releasing a sequel... 10 years later! :D


Depends on which character you use. If you pick a lightweight character you generally want high acceleration and mini-turbo. If you're a heavy character then speed is more important


I enjoyed this video more than the previous one & will be winding the window down at traffic signals to listen out for all your subscribers who live in my area. 🤣


It's worth mentioning that the more stop lights there are, the less your speed matters because your time spent moving becomes a smaller proportion of the time spent commuting (i.e. more time is spent waiting). If we assume that each intersection's lights are independent, then your speed affects neither the chances of having to stop at each intersection nor the average time spent waiting at each red light. For example, that means that if we normally spend 70% of our time waiting at a red light, then even traveling at infinite speed when the light is green will only save 30% of time on average.

If we instead assume that the intersections are timed to cascade at the speed limit, then the average speed is limited to the speed limit, and going faster won't help you.


I think you have made a very good assessment and point. nicely done


Where I live if you stay at speed limit consistently between lights on the highway you’ll make the next green


How can you account for the time lost if you happen to hit all lights red? Surely this negates any time saved?


I've been in grids where the lights are timed best when you accelerate like grandma. I've also had many times where I've sped up to be in the next "wave" of traffic to hit their greens.


This is true but if you follow the premise of the last video which was about safety then i disagree with this premise. It has been shown that people who consistently accelerate and deccelerate faster are more likely to be in an accident.


The more you are at a high speed the more distance you travel. It's common sense. You're onto nothing.


I don’t know if it’s better, but I take my foot off the gas as soon as it turns red (if I’m not too far away and if it looks like it’ll be a long red) so that when it does turn green, I still have a little speed at the light. (It works better if I know how long the lights are)


So just slam on your brakes when you reach the red light and slam on your gas when its green?
