Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans / An American Living in The Netherlands

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Stereotypes and Misconceptions of the Dutch And the Netherlands / Things I Hear from Americans
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Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans/ An American Living in The Netherlands
Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about Things that are taken for granted here in the netherlands That I hear complaints about all the time. I love living here in the Netherlands and love The Dutch culture and believe when i say that... This is How The dutch are changing my mindset in the best way.

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Here Are The Summer Culture Shocks in the netherlands Amsterdam
Wanna Jump Ahead:
Intro: 00:00
Misconception and Stereotype that the Dutch Dont Work: 00:32
Dutch Misconception that The Netherlands is a Socialist Country: 02:04
Misconception Healthcare is Free!: 03:35
Drugs are everywhere in the Netherlands: 06:50
Prostitution and The RedLight District is Everywhere: 09:49
All Dutch are Tall: 13:48
The Dutch Are Rude: 15:06

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Yoooo happy Thursday!!! Hope you guys are doing well! Quick question.. are there strip clubs on the Netherlands!? Just wondering?


The Dutch aren't rude, we're direct. Huge difference. It's actually considered a matter of respect. For example, when I ask a person what they think of my new and they lie to me, that's disrespect. Don't sugarcoat it! I don't need that. I can handle the truth. Lying to my face is rude. Being honest and direct is anything but rude.


Imagine an american saying "they have drugs everywhere" while their streets are full of homeless zombies😂


'Rotterdam is known for their harbour or something..?' I love this understatement of the year. ;-) It's nr. 10 in tonnage worldwide, and nr.1 that's not in Asia. About 50% bigger than L.A.


I'm British, but some years ago I spent nearly a year working for a Dutch company in Amsterdam. The contract hours were 8:30am to 5:30pm, with 30 minutes for lunch (which would be considered unusual for an office job here in the UK). But the company's stance was that they didn't mind if you came in at; say; 11 and went home at 4 as long as the work got done and deadlines were met.


I'm Dutch and I'm rude. I recently visited Paris and took my wife to see the Eiffel Tower. She wasn't feeling well that day so was mostly caring about her. But on the groundfloor there was this French lady of color changing the bags in the garbage bins. And there was this American (U.S. Citizen judging from his accent) shouting at this poor lady: "I'm a guest in your country". And when I say "shouting", I mean "SHOUTING".
It was very rude of me not to intervene in this situation. I could have gone up to this American and said "how would you like it if I came to your home and started demanding differential treatment at the top of my lungs -etc.". It was very rude of me not to do so.


Last weekend i flew from DC to Amsterdam. Plane full of dutchies and Americans. The plane broke down and we had to take an emergency landing, we all survived, but at the time we didn't knew that. The dutch accepted there faith and went quit but the americans where fighting it. Like saying to aircraft personel b**** if you dont this plane save at the ground i am gonna sue your ass or i demend you tell me what our chances are etc. Like why make the last seconds of your life an other person miserabel. It really baffles me


You're the only YouTuber whose facial expressions on the thumbnails match your actual facial expresssions. I salute you, sir.


"I'm open to being wrong", man, that is so refreshing. Thank you!


Well, speaking of hard work. My 24 year old daughter has a 2 year old son, studies at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Design and Product Engineering), has a boyfriend (also takes time) and works 20 hours a week. She has one day off, which is Sunday, where she does a lot with her 2 year old sun. Man, I have so much respect for her.


When Americans say "Socialism" they tend to mean Communism, but when a European says "Socialism" they tend to mean Democratic Socialism.


Great video I truly enjoyed it. As a half Dutch/Maroccan beeing born in the Netherlands I can say a lot of you're debunks are truly right. Love it, keep you're story going. You just got a new subscriber👍. Let's not forget to also make a lot of fun. It's what we do also besides Hard/effiently work 😉. Stay safe stay cool, I'm gonna wait till next video drops ✌


If you wanna learn to speak Dutch, just ask people to speak Dutch to you. And when you try to speak it, don't be affraid to make "stupid" mistakes. As a 66 year old Dutch male I'm more impressed with a foreigner trying then the ones just assuming you understand their tonque.
I like your vids young man, you have a good view of what's going arround here. 👍👍👍


My son (now 28) started his first job at 14, just as I did.
Very common for younger teenagers to work in supermarkets


Well, I work at an American company as a Dutch person, and what strikes me is often the focus on short-term only, the lack of the willingness to bring structure in chaos, the lack of healthy bottom-to-top feedback and the inefficient social 'dances' you have to do. I guess every work culture has its pros and its cons.


One other benefit of being direct is the top-down or bottom-up approach in businesses. The most succesfull way to accomplish a change within a business is doing it bottom-up. Only point is that it will take or can take very long. The top-down way is really quick but easily crashes. When a CEO in the Netherlands announces a top-down approach he will get immediate remarks from all people who think there are problems to be foreseen. And these employees can give their remarks in the elevator or in the canteen because they recognize the CEO and the CEO steps into the same elevator and has lunch in the same canteen. That's the difference and that is what makes companies in the Netherlands smart.


As a Dutchie, what I also like about the directness: it's such relief to be open and honest about making mistakes or not understanding something. If you're in a meeting and something you or someone else did created a major problem, it's not easy but to just say: I made a mistake or I screwed up or I forgot, to just own up to what caused things to go awry. The energy is then focused on fixing the problem. Or to say: what exactly do you mean by that, I don't understand your point or what you're asking of me. This can be hard to ask in a meeting, but all of this saves so much time and in general people appreciate and respect it.


On behalf of the whole country thank you for telling it the way it is ❤


The Dutch East India Company (VOC) was founded in 1602. Because the VOC was also established in the countries with which it traded, the VOC is also called the first multinational in the world so basically we invented the whole concept...


As to healthcare, from a dutch person, we have a system of mandatory health insurance, much like the americans. There are 3 major differences.
1: our government set price controls on maximum price for basic insurance with a definition of what has to be in that coverage at least and a maximum on copays and deductables (collectively called personal risk here)
2: the insurance is personal, rather than tied to a job, so you cannot get trapped in a bad job by needing healthcare, nor lose your healthcare coverage from taking sick days
3: sick leave is legally protected at full pay, and our employees are actually ensured for their productivity loss from this.
