GUN CONTROL & Bathrooms - Using Bathroom as a form of GUN CONTROL

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MrColionNoir on Instagram: @MrColionNoir

The regulation and control isnt going to be from banning assault weapons or limiting magazines to arbitrary round counts, the anti gunners are smarter then you all think.

You wanna know how the anti gunners are going to control guns.

Concealed carry unfriendly bathrooms!

Yes bathrooms

If you think about it the plan is genius!

You know how many times Ive gone to the bathroom and I've had to engage in some form bodily contortion to take a piss and keep my gun up.

This is madness, how hard is it to drill a shelf in the side of the stall right under the "for a good time call time call me" graffitti tag.

You put couches, flowers and tampon dispensers in the women's bathroom but I can't get a damn shelf to put my gun!

And don't you tell me I can just put it on the back of the toilet, when's the last time you've seen an American standard with a flat enough base to sit your gun on with out gravity ruining your day.

I can see it now, local chick fil a patron suffers an accidental discharge while taking a shit

Can you imagine being arrested for brandishing while you're taking a shit.

So do they like wait for you to finish or do they call swat and just storm the stall

Someone needs to check the Brady campaign tax records I swear their donating toilets and writing them off.

Oh and I'd you Mexican carry you're really screwed. At that point you have two options right hand left hand floor

That's got to be a site to see.

If your not going to give us some shelves or places to put our firearms at least make the stalls long enough to cover my gun when I go to take a shit.

Imagine the look on Rosie odonells face upon seeing my Jordan sixes, cargo shorts and Glock 19 in all it's glory while I flirt with having an aneurism

I'm surprised I haven't had some one knock on the stAll and ask me what generation Glock I was carrying because the my serrations were curved.

The anti gunners have reached a new low by using bathrooms as gum control and it's not fair. Something needs to be dome about this.

We boycott

Better yet we should protest!

I can see it now..

If you dont fix we won't sh...
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I like to clear the bathroom with a flash bang prior to entering so that I don't need to concern myself with these things.


I suggested the "shelf in the bathroom" to my wife, who works at a gun store/range. They thought it was genius and installed them the next day. 


1. drop pants to knee level or just above the knees.
2. buckle belt (may require longer belt than normal).
3. spread knees apart, maintaining tension on the belt.
Now your gun is literally at your fingertips, and even more easily accessible if needed than when you're walking around.


"flirt with having an aneurism." A poetic turn of a phrase if ever I heard one.


Federal agents have no problem leaving them in the bathroom stalls.


use the stall with the baby changing station


Just a heads up. I have the perfect solution!
I carry a magnet with me and stick it to the wall of the stall and then stick my gun to it. I keep the magnet in an Oakley sunglasses baggie. 1 so it doesn't make that big "snap" sound with it attaches. 2 so it doesn't scuff my gun (not that I'm worried about that but some people are). and 3 the baggie has extra fabric and a string on it so when I'm done I don't have to slide the magnet around the wall trying to get a good grip on it just to get it off the wall.
95% of public bathroom stalls I've used are made of magnetic steel, not aluminum or other non magnetic metal. the other 5% are usually brick (old buildings and such).
if the magnet doesn't stick then I either set my gun on top of the toilet paper dispenser or tuck it between my skivvies and my jeans so it's out of sight of any perv trying to peak under.


hahahah "flirt with having an aneurysm" I lost it


Funny, because now, Sep 7, 2019 they are outright calling for bans on all semi-autos.


I turned the captions on for one of your vids awhile back when I couldn't have the sound up, I have not turned them off since...brilliance


Funny way to address a real aggravation. I have dealt with the problem by laying the gun inside my pulled-down pants, then lowering my drawers down on top of the gun. Kind of a pistol sandwich. Gun is invisible, easy to hand, and because it is inside my pants I cannot leave it behind by accident. Has worked for many years. Keep up the good work!


A good answer I found on reddit was fold your boxers down over the handle. I holster at 3:30 and it's secure and out of sight from looky-Lous.


some how the closed captions got turned on while watching this... im in tears of laughter!
love the vids man keep it up.


Interesting observation. I too have run into this problem in the stall. It forces me to get crafty, which is hardly what I want to be concentrating on at the time.


That's what the hook on the door is for. Found that out one time on complete accident. It holds the gun by the trigger guard as long as your weight is balanced properly. Try it out the next time you go and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about


I put mine on the toilet paper holder. It is a double roll plastic thing with a flat top at lowes. I have had someone ask "is that the crossbread combat cut?" on two occasions.


I've had an "accidental discharge" in a bathroom, but it had nothing to do with guns. (and a lot more to do with alcohol and a tight knot)


But doesn't everyone shit with their gun in hand?? I mean that's when I feel I need it the most. I've never felt as vulnerable as I do when I'm sitting down with my pants around my ankles halfway thru a giant log.


A few years ago in Utah, there was a person who dropped his gun and shot the toilet in a Carls charges were filed against the individual, and the toilet was deceased!


Another aspect to this is only having public restrooms in buildings that are "gun free".
