Bus Drivers Can't Make This Stuff Up...

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We Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!!! I asked the BUS DRIVERS in my following "What are some of the craziest things you have seen on the job?!" Here are 15 of their answers :D

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I had a bus driver that was liked and respected by all the kids that rode his bus. One day in winter a car lost control on icy roads and spun under the bus. He told us to brace ourselves. One girl didn’t listen and flew to the front of the bus and hit her nose on the bar to open the door. Unfortunately her family was very prominent and got him fired because he didn’t do enough to protect their precious baby from injury. She was the only injury on the bus. Everyone else had a few bumps and bruises. They listened to him.


the "my kid would never do that" hits harder now that I'm a lifeguard. I made my first rescue the other day and the adults with the girl I saved were like "shes fine! she can swim! you didnt need to help her!" while the girl was crying and saying "I cant! I can't swim!". Ma'am I literally just watched your child nearly drown. she cant fuckung swim. you're welcome for saving her life. Apparently its common for the parents to get embarrassed and make that excuse.


School bus driver here, yes we get the crazy stuff! I have so many stories I could tell 🤣
Last day of school, some years ago, the middle schoolers didn't want to sit down. I pulled out of the bus departure lane, put on my hazard flashers, and said, "When you're ready to sit, we'll go home."
"You can't write us up anymore!"
"Maybe not, but I get paid hourly. I won't drive if it's not safe. If y'all don't want to be safe, I'll call and have them cover my next school. We can sit right here at the school all day and night."
Everyone sat. 😂


Our locality is trying to hire School Bus drivers, and I immediately said "there is not enough money on the planet to get me to want to drive a School Bus". And I teach several homeschooled kids things like gardening, preserving the harvest, and how to cook from scratch. I never thought I would be teaching anything, but several families at my church came to me and asked if I would be willing to teach them and their kids. There is a ton of math and science taught in the kitchen. Biology in the garden. But I have willing students. I have mad respect for teachers, bus drivers, nurses, and social workers. They do not get paid enough to to very necessary professions.


My dad used to drive a school bus for like 15 years. He did every position over the years and some of the things I've heard are crazy. And yes, the drivers do get blamed for everything that happens even when it was something they have no control of. Parents seem to think bus drivers are all knowing, all seeing, all controlling beings or something


For #14, I can’t imagine the trouble with his supervisor if he had actually taken the coins. The idea that you took money from a child, no matter how much it is or if they consented or not, can become a serious issue for faculty.


Okay this might risk me being one of the things bus drivers can't make up but I'd still like to share. When I was in school, the first bus stop was at the end of my street, because a couple kids lived at the house right there by the corner. But for me and my brother, it was about a quarter to half a mile walk up and down a large hill. After my brother graduated, I somehow found out that if I just stayed on the bus for the entire route, the bus driver would loop around and drop me off right in front of my house, as the last stop. One day I got bored and fell asleep and the driver woke me up when we got to my house and wasn't mean about it or anything. So I routinely started taking an afternoon nap on the bus ride home 😅 I even brought a blanket and small pillow with me some days 😂


I remember back in middle school, I was in Texas and we got sent home early due to the snow. It took more than 2 hours to get home, and luckily our bus driver was. from Michigan. This was 2008, by the way. So when I say Ms. C was awesome, she really did make an impression. Best bus driver ever. I hope she's doing well.


I love this series and the bad apple series so much. You should totally do retail workers next! Thanks for making these series and posting so much.


Being a bus driver I can say for certain, those stories were a mere tasting glass of the things that go on in and around school busses.

One of my coworkers has a story from just this last year where she turned a corner to get to her next stop only to find a woman walking down the street with an ax. She held the kids back until this lady swong and buried the ax into the hood of a car, then told the kids to “gogogo”.


I remember in middle school our principal asked us what we thought the hardest school-related job was. We must’ve gone through all of them before we arrived at the answer he was looking for: Bus drivers. After all, they have to drive safely on the road in a huge tank with kids fooling around behind them.


You should do receptionists next. I can just imagine all the crazy calls they’ve gotten


Student here:

Once, I ended up with 5 different bus drivers over the course of one year. One quit, one did “bus surfing”, one was a short term sub, one was a long term sub, one ended up staying.

Bus surfing is when in the dead of winter in New England, you start and stop the bus in quick succession around corners on the icy roads with all the kids standing in the isle…


I actually had a bus driver in elementary and middle school I really liked. She probably liked me because I was quiet and just read the whole time but we got along really well when I would give teachers presents for holidays I always made sure to get her something. And then when I was moving onto high school she invited me to a party for her favourite kids since she wouldn’t be driving us anymore. I’m very grateful I had her because she was always someone I could fall back on


You should do students just can’t make this stuff up part 2!!!! Or you could do Athletic Directors just can’t make this stuff up!! At first I thought she was talking about Lauren like Ms. Woolley. Then I realized she teaches 5th not 3rd.


(4:55) "It wasn't even a RARE card!" 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for clarifying, because I was definitely about to, "...okay, but which card was it though?".


my aunt was a bus driver and one day the kids would not sit down. My aunt asked me to sit many times, then waited for a place with wood on both sides and slammed on the brakes. Some kids feel down or twords the back of the bus. When the kids started yelling at her for stopping she said " what you didn't see the deer". After that they sat in their seats.


Bus Driver here! We have parents and kids that will drive around the school busses when we're loading/unloading at the high school.

I also had a student spray another student with pepper spray in the face. I was brand new to the job (it was my first year) and was trying so hard not to panic and freak out the other kids. Needless to say, I passed my first real test and had quite a story to tell everyone when I got back.


I feel bad for bus drivers they are able to drive with several kids screaming and some kids standing up when the bus is moving


Nope. Not one single story surprised me AT ALL, because I'm a bus driver myself! As a matter of fact, we start back driving students on Wed, Aug 10th, so send prayers! Lmao. Thanks for showing us some love, Becca!
