COALA Webinar 1 - Questions and Answers Session

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The COALA 1st Webinar presents some benefits of application of Digital Intelligent Assistants in the manufacturing. COALA Partner from Whirlpool, Enrica Bosani, shares her experiences and their challenges in their Quality Control process as well as expectations from the COALA cognitive assistance solution.

A demo on application of the COALA Digital Intelligent Assistant in the quality testing of white goods case as well as its one of main features, the initial prototype of Augmented Manufacturing Analytics is presented. This feature aims to augment how people explore and analyze data through automatisation of aspects such as data science, machine learning and AI.

Besides that, an insight on the first prototype of COALA’s Quality Analytics Service, which allows the workers to perform data analytics, risk assessment predictive quality anaylitcs and quality control recommendations, is provided.

COALA project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
under grant agreement no. 957296.
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